Uncertainty refers to the doubt or perplexity that one has about an action, the suspension of the decision to avoid any mistake.
In the Mandala of Emotions uncertainty is on the vertical axis of the family of desires, as well as desire and suffering. Uncertainty is the mean between agitation and detention. The complement of uncertainty is certainty.
Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. When uncertainty is balanced, it leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.
When uncertainty is too much:
Our doubts are traitors that often make us lose the good, which we could have gained, with the fear of trying.
What we don't see is what obsesses us the most because when doubts have started, it's not easy to stop them.
The most stubborn are usually the most mistaken, like all those who have not learned to doubt.
The opportunity is often lost between deliberations.
Sometimes uncertainty is hidden behind the mask of success.
Cause is to lose what is certain to go in search of what is uncertain.
Fanaticism is an overcompensation of doubt.
Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it's because we're dangerously close to wanting nothing.
When uncertainty is deficient:
Change means traveling through uncharted waters, and this makes us insecure. That's why many people feel more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions.
He who knows nothing doubts nothing.
You cannot be a prisoner of indecision, because in it all doors remain open.
Fear is related to doubt.
Don't be ashamed to ask questions to resolve doubts, and meditate on the answers that have been given to you.
From the person who doubts to the one who denies there is hardly any distance.
Love and doubt have never been on good terms.
The first great virtue of man was doubt, and the first great defect was faith.
He who doubts and does not investigate, becomes not only unhappy, but also unjust.
The habit of remaining indecisive is an unfortunate regret.
If you doubt yourself, you're already defeated.
When uncertainty is balanced:
Life is so uncertain that you should take advantage of the moment that presents itself.
Collect a lot of information, leave out what is doubtful, cautiously repeat the rest, then you will rarely be wrong.
Make plenty of observations, leave out what's suspicious, and cautiously implement the rest, then you'll have little occasion for regret.
When in doubt, taking a distance helps. When in doubt, refrain.
Doubts are more interesting than certainties, and we will be predisposed for our ideas to evolve instead of staying stagnant.
The uncertainty of success is what gives character to great passions.
If you start with certainties, you will end with doubts, but if you start with doubts, you will end up with certainties.
It is important, for those who want to achieve certainty in their research, to know how to doubt in time.
Never admit anything as true without knowing with evidence that it was so.
Doubt everything at least once, even if it is the sentence: Two times two equals four.
Let time clarify the doubts. Fortune leads to the port many boats without a pilot.
I speak, but I cannot affirm anything; I will always search, I will frequently doubt and distrust myself.
When in doubt, head towards beauty.
It is the uncertainty that one loves, everything becomes wonderful in the mist.
When in doubt, trust your own judgement.
To dispel a doubt, whatever it may be, an action is needed.
The future is uncertain... but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity.
Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.
When you choose the right person, there are no doubts of any kind.
Prudent doubt is reputed to be the torch of the wise.
In doubt, it is wise to approach the wise and prudent, who sooner or later run into fortune.
The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.
Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©