

When you hear the alarm signal you prepare to act. We have to stay alert to rise to the challenge; restlessness, constant vigilance, readiness to defend.

In the Mandala of Emotions agitation belongs to the family of passions. Agitation and detention are two sisters with antagonistic paths in terms of the resolution of uncertainty. The flip side of agitation is belief. In this case the belief originates from excessive agitation in the form of faith.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Agitation when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When agitation is excessive:

We pay a price for everything we achieve, and while ambitions are worth having, they are not easily achieved, but exact their price in anxiety.

The miser experiences all the worries of the rich and all the hardships of the poor at the same time.

Most of our problems have their origin in the attachment to things that we mistakenly believe are permanent.

The soul that worries too much about the future is greatly unhappy.

It is less bad to stir in doubt than to rest in error.

Never carry more than one type of problem at a time. There are those who carry three: those who had, those who now have, and those who hope to have.

What worries us is not things, but opinions about things.

The weight of anxiety is greater than that of the evil that causes it.

The demands on oneself, on others and on the world are at the base of emotional vulnerability; they are the true foundation stone of neuroticism.

Some people make a mountain out of a grain of sand.

The problem with defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without.

Some money avoids worries; a lot, it attracts them.

I have come to discover that all their misfortunes come to men from only one thing: not knowing how to be calm in their room.

The conflict born of incompatible attitudes constitutes the core of the neurosis.

Sometimes you get so caught up in your own problems that you don't notice other problems.

A disturbed mind causes a restless pillow.

When agitation is poor:

Forgetfulness is a defense mechanism, a veil that we use to cover what hurts us.

Whenever you feel restless, try to identify the fear that lies beneath the restlessness.

If your spirit is restless, it is because your conscience accuses you.

When you love yourself, you respect yourself, you know how to defend yourself. It doesn't get trampled. When you don't love yourself, you let anyone come into your life and trample on you.

Love could disarm anyone's defenses.

In relationships between individuals, the use of force is only legitimate when it comes to self-defense.

When people want something so desperately, that very craving makes them believe in anything that can provide it.

Worry should lead us to action, not depression.

When agitation is balanced:

Defense is for times of scarcity, attack for times of plenty.

Sometimes the best defense is offense.

The paths of the meeting are unpredictable and it is necessary to be alert so as not to be careless at the crossroads.

There is only one way to happiness, and that is to stop worrying about things that are beyond the power of our desire.

And to the extent that we are motivated by enthusiasm and pleasure in what we do –or even by an optimal degree of anxiety– they become excellent stimuli for achievement.

Do not anticipate tribulations or fear what surely cannot happen to you. Always live in an atmosphere of optimism.

It is an important defense against anxiety, a sense of humor.

I respect men not for the battles they have been able to win but for the causes they defend.

A concern is like a new sense that opens up in our spirit and allows us to perceive a thousand things.

Defending freedom or the right of the individual is a positive value.

There are moments when all the anxiety and accumulated effort are calmed in the infinite indolence and rest of nature.

Find a place of calm within yourself and let the cares of the world pass through you without dragging you down.

To be worried is to be smart, albeit in a passive way. Only fools have no worries.

That is why reason has been given to man: to get rid of what worries him.

Life is like a sea voyage: there are calm days and stormy days; the important thing is to be a good captain of our ship.

He who fights us strengthens our nerves and perfects our skill.

Worry is a judgment awaiting evidence.

Maturity begins to manifest when we feel that our concern is greater for others than for ourselves.

No one defends you better than a friend. In times of alarm, seek alliances.

Worrying is the right way to look at life. Life is worrying.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©