

Certainty is the sure and clear knowledge of something to which one adheres without reservation. Certainty is not the result of having followed this or that reasoning but of assent. The truth is that there is no irrefutable truth, but certainties.

In the mandala of emotions certainty belongs to the family of passions. Certainty is a great passion because it is situated on the vertical axis of the mandala. Certainty is the medium between opinion and belief. The other side of certainty is uncertainty. When certainty weakens, uncertainty appears. when uncertainty is strengthened, certainty is born.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Certainty when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

Phrases that show different aspects of certainty when it is inappropriate:

Sometimes insecurity is caused by something from our past.

The truth is so necessary to life, that when it is missing, even its appearance is sought.

The truth is strengthened by investigation and delay; falsehood, with haste and uncertainty.

The less knowledge you have, the greater your convictions.

As we chase the uncertain, we lose the sure.

Insecure people have a special sensitivity to everything that corroborates their poor opinion of themselves.

Immerse yourself in uncertainty and despair of the truth. You never reach the total truth, nor are you ever totally far from it.

Those who do not carry the truth with them fall into shame.

Hope is the only universal liar that never loses its reputation for truthfulness.

Any conviction can turn into a prison.

Sometimes truths end up distilling poison.

Jealousy is a sick way of relating. An indicator of insecurity.

The interpretations are more or less plausible, never true.

There is no passion that breaks the sincerity of judgment so much as anger.

The truth is not on the side of those who shout the most.

Seek the truth, stop hoarding opinions.

If you want to know the truth, then don't hold opinions for or against anything. Stereotypes are tired truths.

A ship is safe in port, but that's not what ships are for.

Honesty costs a lot. Many times we believe that we are sincere and we are not.

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing; too much sincerity, it is absolutely fatal.

Whoever tells a lie will be forced to invent twenty more to maintain their veracity.

The punishment of the liar is not to be believed, even when telling the truth.

A full life does not require knowledge of the truth at any price.

The true rich is the one who does not love riches.

We have a hard time admitting mistakes, because that means giving up security.

Word embellished is not sincere.

You must be truthful, not a charlatan.

The need for certainty is the worst disease the mind can face.

Phrases that help balance boldness:

The truth is the instrument to unlock suffering.

To grow you have to temporarily give up security.

Those who are not afraid of the truth, have nothing to fear of lies.

In order to investigate the truth, it is necessary to doubt, as far as possible, everything.

Certainty is an emotion, not a fact.

Happiness is a mixture of expectation and certainty.

Confidence is anticipating the future as certainty.

When you hold your truth securely, that gives you power.

Whatever is at the center of our lives will be our source of security, guidance, wisdom and power.

Satisfaction is the only sign of the sincerity of pleasure.

Eso se llama tenacidad. Certeza de que, se gane o se pierda, se cumple con el deber.

There is nothing that requires more effort than the truth, which is bleeding from the heart.

Sincerity is an outpouring of the heart. Very few have it.

Who knows how to tell the truth in his life and in his words is a person of honor.

There is at least one corner of the universe that you can surely improve, and that is yourself.

Authentic is beautiful.

In life, in seduction and in everything you can think of, what is real, sincere and natural is what is really attractive.

The only security you can have is a store of knowledge, experience and skill.

Insignificance is always a guarantee of safety.

Better than words, sincerity is shown through actions.

Hypothesis: supposition of something possible or impossible to draw a consequence from it.

Only those who live sincerely are free.

Sincerity goes straight, simple, without folds, simple, without any ulterior motive; it seeks what is and only what is, not itself in what it is.

The most obvious sign that the truth has been found is inner peace.

Sincerity is the root of all virtues.

The evidence is the most decisive demonstration.

The truth is what it is, and it remains true even if you think the other way around.

Even if you feel certain, it's an emotion, not a fact.

It takes courage to be authentic.

Trusting everyone and not trusting anyone are two vices. But in one there is more virtue, and in the other, more security.

Who knows for sure what drives two people to meet?

What makes friendships indissoluble and doubles their charm is certainty.

Without lying, do not tell all the truths.

The more hypothesis-generating power a representation has, the more relevant it is.

The truthful person always tells or uses the truth.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©