

To think is the act of reasoning the understanding. Aristotle says: What is proper to the human being will be the act according to reason.

The reason is the simplest product of understanding. Just as intuition is the simplest act of understanding. There is no knowledge without discernment, which is the ability to discern or distinguish between the various ideas that the mind has.

In the Mandala of Emotions reason belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When reason leads to happiness:

In all times there are people who do not think like others. That is, they do not think like those who do not think.

Knowledge is, then, abstract consciousness, fixing what is otherwise known in concepts of reason.

It is by dint of observation and reflection that one finds a way.

Reason can warn us about what should be avoided. There is nothing wrong with standing back and reflecting.

In reason, only doubts that have a key will enter.

Rest in reason, open yourself to desire.

Discounting all the impossible hypotheses, what remains, whatever it may be, and however improbable it may seem, must be the only true thing.

Two elements are necessary to form a truth: a fact and an abstraction.

To be rational is to be able to give reasons for what one is and does: to know what one's ends are and to adapt fair means to those ends.

Reason is the faculty to accept an object and flee from another depending on the pleasure or pain that I can receive from them.

Listen with your head, but let your heart speak.

Reason must know the reason of the heart and all other reasons.

How did reason appear in the world? In an irrational way, as it should be: by virtue of chance.

I think, therefore I am.

Reason is a torch that lights up every spiritual being, that gives color and illuminates the operations of the soul.

If you want to dominate everything, first dominate your own reason.

Never disdain imaginative ideas. They are reached only after much thought, much reflection and much study, and remarkable daring.

The time of reflection is an economy of time.

One must cultivate the fine quality of discernment that goes along with spiritual courage and character.

He is happy who has a right judgment; the one for whom reason gives value to all the things of his life.

Jealously guard your right to reflect, because even wrong thinking is better than no thinking at all.

Only an educated mind can understand a thought different from its own, without having to accept it.

Little observation and much reasoning can lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to the truth.

True knowledge is not learned, it is reached through your own conclusions.

It would be absurd for us, who are finite, to try to determine infinite things.

When reason leads to unhappiness:

If you really reflect, everything is wonderful in this world, everything, except our thoughts and actions when we forget to reflect.

Lack of knowledge about all the factors and the fact of not including them in our reasoning imposes false conclusions.

When you are fascinated by an idea, the thought becomes recurrent.

Those who think little, make many mistakes.

Reason cannot give an answer to everything, and this is evident and painful.

If you don't change, you don't evolve and you end up stopping thinking.

Water that doesn't run makes a swamp; the mind that does not work makes a fool.

Who has not seemed a fool for love is because he did not know him.

Passion without reflection, could become a bad adviser.

Two excesses: to exclude reason, to admit nothing but reason.

Don't climb so high, crazy thought, that the one who climbs higher falls deeper.

Any time you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.

Prejudice is the reason of fools.

Our brain often rationalizes automatic thoughts and presents them as the fruit of elaborate reasoning.

Man is more reasoning than reasonable.

The absurd answer differs from the erroneous one in that it does not come from any attempt at reasoning.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©