

Intuition is the ability to know, understand or perceive something clearly and immediately, without the intervention of reason.

Intuition is perception through the unconscious. Carl Jung called intuition any kind of perception that takes place in a way that cannot be explained by the function of the senses.

Intuition doesn't tell you what things mean, it sniffs out their possibilities. Meaning is given by thought.

"Nothing is freer than the human imagination."David Hume

The simplest act of understanding is intuition. Just as reason is the simplest product of understanding. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

In the Mandala of Emotions, intuition belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When intuition leads to happiness:

New ideas only bear fruit when the earth is ready to receive them.

Inspiration is always an unexpected visit.

The questions reveal the breadth of wit, and the answers its sharpness.

When you run into problems and don't see the solution, don't think; stay in a non-thinking state and let your inner guidance guide you.

Meditation connects you with your soul, and this connection gives you access to your intuition, to your sincere desires.

Live not according to received ideals, but according to your aspirations, according to your most vehement intuition.

Intuition is not an opinion, it is the thing itself.

Avoid falling into the traps of intuition.

We look for our ideas in our ingenuity, but we find them in our hearts.

A lucky intuition is never just luck. There is always some talent in it.

Embellish your imagination as much as you can.

The supreme thing for the spirit is knowing how to reach not only intuition, but also the thought of itself.

When you go with the flow of life and listen to intuition, it shows you what you need to know by the synchronicity that surrounds you and guides you.

Intuition is a leap; it is not something that comes to you step by step. It is something that happens to you without any causality.

The deepest wells of our unconsciousness can discover the uncharted territories of liberation, giving free rein to our intuition.

Transform your entire body into vision, make yourself look.

The ideal is the anticipation of order by the spirit.

He who carries in his heart a wonderful vision, a noble ideal, will one day realize it.

It is by logic that we demonstrate but by intuition that we discover.

Creativity is the process of developing original ideas that have value.

Have the courage to do what your heart and intuition tell you.

Emotional honesty significantly favors intuition and nurtures empathy.

Just as you repeatedly form your imaginations, so will your intelligence be, for the soul is colored by its imaginations.

Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions, be curious.

When intuition leads to unhappiness:

Widespread acceptance of an idea is no proof of its validity.

Concepts without intuitions are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.

The wit one would like to possess spoils the one one already possesses.

Don't cling to an idea for fear of the helplessness you would fall into without it.

Those who are afraid of new ideas are doomed before they begin.

The diabolical capacity for invention that gives you the feeling of guilt.

Woe to the hope that fantasy abandons.

Nothing is more harmful to creativity than the fury of inspiration.

Sometimes it's a mistake to move forward by intuition. It takes you to a certain point and then leaves you.

Everyone is as miserable as they imagine themselves to be.

Insight has a bit of divinatory power that flatters our vanity.

Ingenuity sometimes helps us to commit daring foolishness.

Any idea is strong enough to surrender to it until you give your life.

One day the mind makes the leap from imagination to hallucination.

Excessive imagination can end in delirium.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©