

The virtues of being are action and production. Production refers to the produced object. Not the act but the product of the act. Producing, on the other hand, is associated with the ideas of bearing fruit, procreating and manufacturing.

The simplest product of understanding is the reason. Just as intuition is the simplest act of understanding.

In the Mandala of Emotions the production belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When production leads to happiness:

A healthy mind is the product of a healthy body.

Ideas illuminate; facts emancipate.

If the seed is sown with faith and cared for with perseverance, it will only be a matter of time to reap its fruits.

The seed moves away from the tree that spawned it.

After the rice harvest the scarecrow is not the same.

Each day more our requests become facts, we become what we most want to be.

The important thing is not how many talents one received, but the ability to bear fruit with the little or much that we have.

Only work that is the product of an inner compulsion can have spiritual meaning.

Facts are our true weapon against superstition.

In sowing time, learn; at harvest time, teach: in winter, enjoy.

Business done with diligence, good business; business done in haste, bad business.

Happiness is the perfect end and fruit of obedience to the laws of life.

He who is grateful for what he receives, gives birth to a bountiful harvest.

The lucky day is like a harvest day; as soon as the wheat is ripe, it is necessary to hasten to harvest it.

Make sure that wherever you are there is that good mood, that joy, which is the fruit of inner life.

There is nothing more honorable or joyful in life, than leaving memory of your sayings and deeds in which you want to be remembered.

Going to look at them, the cherry blossoms at night have turned into fruit.

Happiness is not a goal, it is a product.

Get the facts first, then distort them as much as you like.

Happiness consists in putting your thoughts, your words and your actions in agreement.

It is necessary for each one to find in himself the reason for his life, his strength, his action. Ideas illuminate; facts emancipate.

Genius is one who knows how to interpret the facts and generate new thoughts.

True heroism lies in transforming facts into new realities.

Let us not tire of doing good; that in due time the harvest will come to us if we do not give up.

True friends are those proven by facts.

Cry, yes; but cry standing up, working; It is better to sow a new crop than to cry for the one that was lost.

When production leads to unhappiness:

Those who do not learn from the unpleasant facts of life force the cosmic consciousness to reproduce them as many times as necessary to learn what the drama of what happened teaches.

Facts do not cease to exist even if they are ignored.

Like the soil, however rich it may be, it cannot bear fruit if it is not cultivated. The mind without cultivation also cannot produce.

Suffering originates in the way your mind responds and reacts to the events of life, not in the events of life themselves.

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly.

The man who produces while others dispose of his product is a slave.

Why do things you'll later have to regret? Do only what is good, that whose sweet fruits you will reap with joy.

We build too many walls and not enough bridges.

Who sows hatred, reaps weapons.

A failure in love is like a mission accomplished. Hearts are made to be broken.

More facts, and less chest pounding.

He who sows winds reaps storms.

Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form an opinion without having to know the facts.

If there is excessive slaughter, there is a bad harvest.

Of all the guilty deeds, none is as great as that of those who, when they are deceiving us the most, try to appear kind.

The excess when ripening scarlet in the spike of error, and the harvest that is harvested consists only of tears.

When we delay the harvest, the fruits rot, but when we delay the problems, they don't stop growing.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©