

Love does not find its meaning in the longing for things done but in the impulse to participate in the construction of those things. Aristotle said in his Nicomachean Ethics: "Friendship, like love, begins with the pleasure of the eye, because if a person's appearance does not immediately enchant him, he cannot be loved. This does not mean that because one feels seduced by appearance, one is already in love, because there is only love when the absence of a person is felt and their presence is desired." Love does not know its own depth until the time of separation .

In the Mandala of Emotions, love belongs to the family of desires. Love and hate are two brothers with antagonistic paths regarding the impossibility of fulfilling the wish. Hate, a destructive fantasy, and love, a constructive fantasy. The flip side of love is euphoria. In this case, the euphoria originates from the accumulation of love, until it overflows.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. When love is balanced, it leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When love is excessive:

Lovers only see their loved one's troubles when their enchantment is over.

The love of Don Juan is nothing more than a love of hunting.

The pleasures of love are evils that are left to be desired, where sweetness and martyrdom coincide.

Love is the strongest of passions, because it attacks the head, the body and the heart at the same time.

Promises of lovers, they are light to promise and very heavy to fulfill.

There are people so full of themselves that, when they are in love, they manage to take care of their passion and not of the person they love.

The more we love someone, the less we should flatter them.

What is love? The desire to get out of oneself.

Love is the hardest habit to break, and the hardest to satisfy.

When love is lacking:

The problem with impossible loves is that it takes us a lifetime to forget them.

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.

Most people, driven by a kind of ambition, want to be loved more than love themselves.

Love when you're ready, not when you're alone.

Don't be afraid to be the person he loves the most.

Do not honor with your hatred someone you could not honor with your love.

The first symptom of true love in a young man is shyness, in a girl it is boldness.

The best thing for it to arrive, and I mean an authentic, clean and healthy love, is not to think about it too much, not to call it. If not, you're wrong. You put the mask of love on the first vulgar face that shows up.

You only love what you don't totally own.

The violence we inflict on ourselves to avoid loving is often crueler than the rigors of what we love.

Indifference is a form of laziness, and laziness is one of the symptoms of heartbreak.

When love is balanced:

There is no disguise that can long hide love where it exists, or pretend it where there isn't.

True love wants the good of the beloved.

We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love.

With people you cannot love, always be politely evasive.

Happiness is based on trust while love requires doubts and restlessness.

Love should not ask, nor should it demand. He must have the strength to find certainty in himself.

In love, all peaks are stormy.

All people, without exception, enjoy the pleasures of love, but not everyone enjoys this pleasure in a measured way.

The soul that can speak with its eyes, can also kiss with its gaze.

When her heart moves, it tugs on mine. Like two boats tied by a rope.

A lot of love germinates in chance; always have the hook ready, and in the place you least expect it you will find fishing.

If the soul is as beautiful as the body, it is impossible not to love.

Hearing with the eyes is one of the acuteness of love.

Love is reserved for the brave.

It is quite difficult not to be unfair to what one loves.

In love tenderness is what gives strength.

The magic of first love consists in our ignorance that it can have an end.

Love holds two maximum adversities of opposite signs: to love those who do not love us and to be loved by those who we cannot love.

It gives more strength to know that you are loved than to know that you are strong: the certainty of love, when it exists, makes us invulnerable

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©