

The manifestation of hatred causes the damage to stay away. The act of hate is the desire to destroy what threatens us. People or things that prevent the fulfillment of our desire are hated. The frustration of desire and the impossibility of bearing the uncertainty that the other causes us give rise to hatred

In the Mandala of Emotions hate belongs to the family of desires. Hate and love are two brothers with antagonistic paths regarding the impossibility of fulfilling the desire. Hate, a destructive fantasy, and love, a constructive fantasy. The flip side of hate is anger. In this case, anger originates from the accumulation of hatred, until it overflows.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Hate when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When hate is excessive:

Memory that does not forget, resentment that does not subside.

When our hatred runs too deep, it places us below those we hate.

Realize that having a grudge only suffers and is causing pain to oneself.

The smaller the heart, the more hate it holds.

You can spend your life hating, letting it eat away at you, and the person you hate will continue to live so peacefully.

Hate is a serious weight that sinks the heart into the depths of the chest and settles like a tombstone over all joys.

Don't light the fire against your enemy so much that it burns you.

The insulting sayings seem to be born of plenty of rancor and plenty of malice.

Can so much gall fit in the soul of devout people?

Hatred is a tendency to take every opportunity to harm others.

He who hates poisons his soul and at the same time opens his heart.

There are those who love their vices and at the same time hate them.

When hate is deficient:

Life is too short to waste it on childish hatred and memories of grievances.

You don't hate who you despise; he hates those who are considered equal or superior.

The first art that those who aspire to power must learn is to be able to withstand hatred.

Try not to fill your life with hate and fear.

Hate and envy: see what a terrible alliance.

Certainly few things will be found that contribute to corrupting a people as much as the habit of hating.

Of all dangers, the greatest is underestimating the enemy.

An enemy occupies more space in our heads than a friend in our hearts.

When hate is balanced:

Learning is the right thing to do, even from the enemy.

When your enemy wants to get away, get him out of the way.

The resentful person feels hurt and offended by the unfair treatment they have received.

A very firm, very vigilant grudge can by itself constitute the framework of an individual.

The nature of man is to hate the one he has hurt.

The ethical instance occurs not when we pretend that there are no enemies, but when we try to understand them, put ourselves in their place.

Forgive everyone and forgive yourself, there is no greater liberation than forgiveness.

Inscribe grievances in the dust, inscribe good words in marble.

There is no finer revenge than the one inflicted by others on your enemy.

In truth, we live happily if we do not hate those who hate us, if among those who hate us we live free of rancor.

Those free from resentment will surely find peace.

The supreme art in conflict is to break the enemy without fighting.

The history of ideas is the history of the rancor of the lonely.

Having an enemy is important not only to define our identity, but also to provide us with an obstacle against which to measure our value system and show, in facing it, our value.

Hating and acknowledging the qualities of those who hate each other are two rather rare things under heaven.

Each of us is the enemy of himself.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©