

Euphoria is the exaltation of joy, optimism and confidence, as well as the ability to withstand adverse situations with vigor and ardor.

In the Mandala of Emotions, euphoria belongs to the family of passions. Euphoria and anger are sisters; one acts to destroy, the other to build. The flip side of euphoria is love. The presence of the object causes euphoria. And its absence, love. Well, there is only love when the absence of a person is felt and their presence is desired.

Emotions are expressed in a balanced or unbalanced way. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Euphoria when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient in action, it leads to failure.

When the euphoria is excessive:

All the things of this world are pursued more ardently than those that are enjoyed.

The obstinacy with which one is attached to the things that harm him.

Don't go into anything serious on a whim.

Beware the fire you light against your enemy, lest you scorch yourself.

The horrible thing about this world is that we seek with the same ardor to make ourselves happy and to prevent others from being so.

Sometimes love only exists in the obsession to obtain it.

Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion.

Obsessive thoughts are the wood that fuels the fire of anger.

Obsession does not look for problems and corrects them: it makes them out of nothing, it feeds them, it makes them stronger.

But it is not enough to reduce the fever to be healthy. On the contrary, burning purifies and illuminates.

The obsession that everything be in its place, each matter in its time, each word in its style, was not the deserved prize of a mind in order, but on the contrary, a whole system of simulation invented to hide the internal disorder.

Someone stubborn has no opinions, but these to him.

Obsessive thoughts are the wood that fuels the fire of anger.

A fire eater must eat fire even if he has to devour himself.

When the euphoria is deficient:

A blanket is no longer a blanket if it doesn't keep you warm.

What is called perseverance in a good cause, is called obstinacy in a bad one.

Someone stubborn has no opinions, but these to him.

It always seems to us that the greatest good is what we lack; if we managed to reach it, we would yearn for another good with the same ardor.

Someone stubborn has no opinions, but these to him.

The vehement character soon ceases to be attended to.

When the euphoria is balanced:

He who has the truth in his heart should never fear that his tongue lacks the power of persuasion.

The single greatest element to continued success in an offense is maintaining momentum.

Gozo is the name given to the lighting of the first fathom.

You should always have a cool head, a warm heart and an outstretched hand.

But it is not enough to reduce the fever to be healthy. On the contrary, burning purifies and illuminates.

Joy is an intense and deep emotion, an exalting feeling of fullness experienced by all consciousness; It can be compared to drunkenness, to rapture, to ecstasy.

Commend those who found the impetus in themselves and rose on their own shoulders.

And beauty is not a necessity, but an ecstasy.

It is not a thirsty mouth, nor an empty outstretched hand. But, rather, a burning heart and an enchanted soul.

A god dwells in us; when he stirs, our spirit fills with ardor. This impulse is what makes the seeds of heavenly inspiration germinate.

There are times when the euphoria reaches a kind of cosmic joy.

Consummate ardor finds peace.

The soul in his look becomes transparent, to look serene, vivid and ardent, and his robust machine feeds the eternal flame that he feels in his chest.

What moves geniuses, what inspires them is not a new idea, but the obsession with an idea that was not worked hard enough.

Vehemence produces results.

Nothing should disturb the equanimity of the spirit; even our passion, even our outbursts must be measured and weighed.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©