

Hope is an optimistic state of mind in which what we desire is presented to us as possible. According to Aristotle, hope is like the daydream of a man awake.

In the Mandala of Emotions, hope belongs to the family of desires. Hope and attachment are two brothers with antagonistic paths in terms of personal goals. Hope projects, attachment introjects. The flip side of hope is effort. In this case the effort originates from the accumulation of hope. The illusion does not last forever. No one has that much magic.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Hope when it is balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When hope is too much:

Hold our runaway hopes and our spirit doomed to the future.

Tired of waiting, you get exasperated.

Hope is a great falsifier of truth: let sanity correct it.

We are willing to believe what can meet our expectations.

Sometimes optimism turns into the mania of sustaining that everything is fine when one is very bad.

Those who live on hope run the risk of starving.

A hope, sometimes, weakens consciences like a vice.

Getting rid of a reality is nothing: the heroic thing is getting rid of a dream.

When hope is lacking:

One hope rekindles another hope; one ambition, another ambition.

The optimist believes in others and the pessimist only believes in himself.

Don't walk around with a long face, hoping something bad will happen.

No matter where you are now in life, you should never think that all is lost.

One hope rekindles another hope; one ambition, another ambition.

The smallest particle of hope is enough to generate a great love.

Expectations were like fine china. The tighter you held onto them, the more likely they were to break.

A ship should not sail with a single anchor, nor life with a single hope.

The greatest unhappiness is when there is nothing left to hope for.

When hope is balanced:

I got less than I expected; but perhaps I expected more than I should expect.

Optimists believe that failures are due to something that can be changed and, thus, the next time they can succeed.

It is precisely the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life interesting.

We are pessimists by nature, and believe that what happened will happen again. Maybe that's the definition of an optimist: someone who denies the power of the past.

Hope for the best. There would be no progress if we thought the glass was half empty and feared the worst.

Weigh hope and fear, and whenever the decision is wholly in doubt, decide in your favor.

Expectation is a powerful force of attraction.

When hopes arise, the heart takes advantage and begins to act on its own.

The expression on the faces of those who know that the future is opening up before them is very beautiful.

Make your life a dream, and your dream a reality.

The future always manages to be different from what we expect.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be realized without hope.

I am optimistic because I believe that proposals, creation and ideas exist and have power.

Optimism is a philosophy based on the belief that basically life is good, that, in the long run, the good in life will outweigh the bad.

Optimism - like hope - means having a strong expectation that things will generally go well despite setbacks and frustrations.

One searches full of hope for the path that dreams promised to his desires.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©