

Effort is the energetic use of vigor or activity of the mind to achieve something by overcoming difficulties. This implies dedication and work.

In the Mandala of Emotions cunning belongs to the family of passions. Effort and cunning are two brothers with opposing paths; cunning avoids work, effort, encourages it. When the heat of effort is surpassed it transforms into its counterpart, hope. In this case, hope originates from an overexcited effort that produces fatigue.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. When effort is balanced, it leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When the effort is too much:

Quick recipes don't work. All lasting change requires time and effort.

One ends up exhausted and feels that this inexhaustible fantasy is exhausted with the constant effort to revive it.

Why dedicate your efforts to a job that doesn't require intelligence.

Greed is a bottomless pit that exhausts a person in an endless effort to satisfy their needs, without ever achieving it.

Any effort to cling will make us miserable, because sooner or later what we cling to will disappear and pass away.

The more the desired good wears out, the closer the hope of possessing it is.

"What makes you think that your effort should be rewarded with the submission, thanks and recognition of the person you love?

Fanaticism consists in redoubling the effort when you have forgotten the end.

Eagerness means: excessive work, solicitous and distressing.

When effort is lacking:

Understanding necessarily has to cost some effort.

Let's not expect rewards for our efforts and efforts.

Whoever wants to prosper in their businesses do it for themselves, and if they want everything to go wrong, all they have to do is entrust them to the hands of others.

Work is life, and without it there is nothing but fear and insecurity.

Many men see more virtue in repenting of sins than in striving to avoid them.

Many consider impossible what they could achieve if they worked hard.

When you feel like you can't quit your job, it's a sure sign of impending collapse.

It's horrible to pretend that you like your job when you know very well that you are capable of something better.

I'm not lazy, maybe a little shy for the effort.

There is no shortcut, no work.

There is no profit that lasts if the same effort is not used to preserve it that was made to obtain it

The existence would be much poorer if you were not able to value things and commit yourself to work for them.

Inspiration exists, but it must be found working.

There is no shortcut, no work.

It is not dishonorable not to achieve something, but to cease to provide the means.

When the effort is balanced:

The technique is the effort to save effort.

What you acquire with a lot of work, you love the most.

Genius is the infinite capacity to take pains.

If you don't like the work you do, stay away from it.

We have to put our best effort into something that we are passionate about.

Discovering a truth requires a great effort.

Concentrate all your efforts on a defined main objective.

happiness is not striving for pleasure, but finding pleasure in effort.

When a fatigue experiences a change, fatigues are sweet.

Each thing we obtain in life does not come as a gift... it comes as a reward for the effort to achieve it.

Fortune helps the brave.

What would art mean if it were achieved without effort?

Writing is a very laborious hobby.

Success should be measured, not by the position a person has reached, but by their effort to succeed.

The higher the difficulty, the greater the glory.

Beauty must appeal to the senses, it must provide us with immediate enjoyment, it must impress and insinuate us without any effort on our part.

The successful leader must understand and apply the principle of cooperative effort.

Whatever you do, do it with all your might.

Freedom is not given for free, you have to earn it.

Happiness is the result of personal effort.

It is not enough to talk about peace. One must work for it.

Those who have attained enlightenment never stop working on themselves.

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of an effort of intelligence.

Luggable is the work when many share the fatigue.

Well-measured effort, mindful attention, equanimity, clear vision, detachment, and firm resolve.

Life itself is always a test. When training you must test and refine yourself to be able to face the great challenges of life.

Anyone can start, but only the hardest will finish.

The first step is the only one that costs.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©