

Attachment is established when an individual seeks protection, security and well-being with a person or circle of people. Or when a person is in a situation of dependency due to an intellectual or physical deficiency caused by age or illness.

In the Mandala of Emotions attachment belongs to the family of desires. Attachment and hope are two brothers with antagonistic paths in terms of personal goals. Hope projects, attachment introjects. The flip side of attachment is cunning. In this case, cunning originates from the excessive use of dependency.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Attachment when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When attachment is excessive:

Whoever is very attached to a herd is that he has some sheep.

Dependencies are hard vices to break.

Superstitious people are attached to the relics of saints and devout men.

The world is full of suffering. The root of suffering is attachment to things.

We cannot live without affection, no one can, but we can love without enslaving ourselves.

Most of our problems stem from attachment to things that we mistakenly believe are permanent.

Have the courage to see how partial and blind you have become to that object of your attachment.

When attachment is deficient:

Memories sometimes resemble some objects to which one feels a confused attachment.

Sometimes we may not know that we are attached to something, that is, identified with something, until we lose it or feel the threat of loss.

When we are attached to something there is fear, fear of losing that thing.

when you lose your individuality and when you are very afraid of losing the other and you start to submit and humiliate yourself.

We should remember that the expectation of getting anything from others makes us easy prey.

Being angry, yelling at others, just means that you depend on them.

Attachment is the inability to give up certain things when they hurt us.

If you don't open up, if you don't say how you feel, how are we going to help you?

People who do not suffer from attachment are explorers of heart and action, they are curious and observant.

When attachment is balanced:

The main thing is to recognize that we need help, once this is done, the solution is within our reach.

People don't know who we'll need help from. Help people who help you.

When humility frees someone from attachment to their own works and their own reputation, they discover that perfect joy is only possible when we have completely forgotten ourselves.

Receive without pride, let go without attachment.

When we go against the current, each support point acquires a characteristic importance.

Even though my living is modest and my lifestyle is austere, both give me pleasure.

The rich are always less exposed to dangers than the poor, and the softer their lives, the more attached they are.

The attachment to things vanishes by itself when we give up identifying ourselves with them.

Don't refuse to help when it's needed, and don't refuse to accept it when it's offered.

Modesty is the path to personal fulfillment.

Humility does not hide courage.

A wonderful energy comes from helping someone.

The most generous tend to be the most humble.

At certain times in our lives, we need advice and help from other people.

Feelings of attachment allow us to express true affection also for children, family and friends.

Double the requirements of life. It is doubling living. The dependency must not be unique, nor must it be narrowed down to a single thing, although singular.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©