

In the mandala of emotions, anger belongs to the family of passions, that is, of excesses. Anger and euphoria are sisters; one acts to destroy, the other to build. The flip side of anger is hate. In this case, the hatred originates from an anger that, when weakened, transforms into its opposite. That's why we refer to hate as cold anger.

Anger is the passion of the soul that moves to indignation and anger. Aristotle says: "He who allows himself to be carried away by anger, on certain occasions, against those who deserve it, doing it in addition to the way, at the time and for as long as it is convenient, must deserve our agreement."

Emotions are expressed in a balanced or unbalanced way. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Anger when it is balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient in action, it leads to failure.

Phrases that show unbalanced anger:

Gentle response deflects anger, but harsh words ignite tempers.

Do not let anger make you commit sins; that the night does not surprise them angry.

When you get mad but don't say anything; when there are many things that bother you but you don't show it: that's passive anger.

Anger, if left unchecked, is often more harmful to us than the injury it provokes.

Give yourselves not too much to wrath; prolonged anger breeds hatred.

Anger is a short-lived madness.

Impulsive anger always gets into trouble.

Anger without measure or precise targeting is an absolute waste of energy and effort.

What begins in anger ends in shame.

Anger is proud and needs haughty words.

Anger is like a runaway horse that, without bridle, runs out with its vigor.

Maybe I wasn't a coward, I just had held back my rage.

Don't answer an angry word by replying with another of the same tenor. It's the second one, yours, the one that will surely lead you to the fight.

My fury was quenched to become sadness.

And not to apologize for the excess committed in the intoxication of anger, is even more foolish than to commit it. It's pride holding stupidity.

Most people keep a pot of anger simmering.

How is it possible that such great anger can fit in heavenly spirits?

Sing, oh goddess, the deadly wrath of Achilles, son of Peleus, who was the cause of innumerable misfortunes for the Achaeans.

For these two things a man should never be angry: for what he can remedy and for what he cannot remedy.

Getting angry is avenging the faults of others in ourselves.

It is not good for someone who has little strength to be angry.

Nor will there be pent-up anger that does not ultimately breed hatred.

Anger finds weapons everywhere. To a bloodthirsty hand, anything will serve as a spear.

Think about how much more painful the consequences of your anger are than the actions that caused it.

If you can't avoid anger, at least temper it; if you can't prevent the rage, at least curb it.

Each blow that our anger unleashes will surely come down on us.

When you're angry, count to ten before speaking; if you're really angry, count to a hundred.

The angry man always thinks he can do more than he really can.

Enmity is an anger that spies the occasion for revenge.

The anger seen in rich people who suddenly lose something they have kept for a long time, but never used or needed.

Rage confers great power, but if you don't stop it, it will eventually destroy you!

Where anger dwells with power, lightning is it.

Jealousy, when furious, produces more crimes than interest and ambition.

Anger leads us to project our fears onto the other. Rage breeds violence, wars and extraordinary pain. Anger destroys us, from the inside out and from the outside in too, either through the chemical and hormonal secretions of our own body or through the bullet fired by the enemy.

Phrases that helps balance anger:

Understanding is the liberating factor. This is the practice of taking care of anger.

You will live sweet life, if you restrain your anger.

Punish not in anger, but placate.

Open your eyes, and you'll save yourself some trouble.

You may be seething with rage inside, but you know that a calm response works better than an outburst of anger.

We are more honest when we are angry than when we are calm.

Without anger, nothing changes.

Just as our body is mortal, anger should not be immortal. Thus speak the wise.

Remember that every wise man fears three things: the storm at sea, a moonless night, and the wrath of a kind man.

Nothing can cure anger except compassion.

Accept your anger because you can transform it into positive energy.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©