

To have cunning means to have sagacity, subtlety, ability to deceive or avoid deception to achieve an end in an artificial way. Cunning also refers to sagacity: the ability and ability to understand or solve a complex situation.

Having cunning means having sagacity, subtlety, ability to deceive or avoid deception to achieve an end artificially. Cunning also refers to sagacity: the ability to understand or resolve a complex situation.

In the mandala of emotions cunning belongs to the family of passions. Cunning and effort are two brothers with antagonistic paths; cunning avoids work, effort encourages it. The flip side of cunning is attachment. In this case, the attachment originates when cunning weakens by overexceeding and falls into dependency.

Greek myths tell us that to master all the arts, the control of fire was essential. For the delivery of this gift, the most important of all, Prometheus (the one who thinks ahead) stole fire from Olympus, which infuriated Zeus, who, to take revenge, sent him Pandora, with a box containing all the evils

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Cunning when balanced leads to success, but when cunning is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

Phrases that show different aspects of cunning when it is inappropriate:

There is no reason to say that someone who does not feel quite sure of his memory should not be a liar.

We are never so easily deceived as when we think of deceiving others.

You can be smarter than someone else, but not smarter than everyone else.

It is as easy to deceive yourself without realizing it, as it is difficult to deceive others without realizing it.

Whoever receives what he cannot pay is cheating.

Where there is nothing more than a crafty cunning, there is necessarily pettiness.

If you cheat on me once, it's your fault. But if you fool me two, it's mine.

Many have traded in illusions and false miracles, fooling the foolish crowd.

Sacrificing or giving up is a cunning problem.

We are easily fooled by those we love.

Out of cunning, the things we most desire we do as if we don't care.

All that glitters is not gold.

Nothing fools us like our own judgement.

Bad and misleading science is judging by appearances.

Aunque la hipocresía suele andar lista, a largo andar se le cae la máscara y queda sin el alcanzado premio.

Quien estafa se entusiasma demasiado.

It is wise not to fully trust those who have once deceived us.

"Many ignore accessible places and scrutinize the hidden and impenetrable. A thief is attracted to well-kept objects.

In contact with things, the heart gets entangled and fights: prudence, cunning, calm.

What is magic? A focused deception. But the hoax meant to entertain.

Anyone who has a perpetual smile on their face hides a frightening rudeness.

All sycophants are mercenaries, and low-spirited people are sycophants.

Relying on secret techniques will get you nowhere.

It is curious how men often only see what they have decided to see and not what is really before them.

It is human to deceive oneself and crazy to persist in error.

Phrases that help balance cunning:

Have the cunning courage that stops anger and waits for the right moment to unleash it

It is wise not to fully trust those who have once deceived us.

Authority must make use of man and beast: cunning as a fox to evade traps and strong as a lion to scare away wolves.

The best strategy is based on an unlimited set of answers.

The essence of the art of peace is to cleanse your being of malice, harmonize with your environment and clear your path of all obstacles and barriers.

Someone cunning, even from evil brings good fruit.

Astuteness is the capacity for foresight, cunning and prudence.

The one who can best conceal them can better use their appetites.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©