

Desire is the intention without intention, it is the end without the means. It is the emptiness of the bowl wanting to be filled: the attraction. When we truly desire, we do so with the totality of being.

In the Mandala of Emotions desire occupies the top of the family of desires, as being on the vertical axis as well as uncertainty and suffering. The deviation of desire gives rise to love and hate. Love and hate are born from the frustration of desire . The complement of desire is the passion. The measure of desire is its breadth, that of passion its intensity. Passion is seduction, desire, attraction.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. When desire is balanced, it leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When desire is excessive:

From my blind desire the volcanic ardor grew, so that I am already a victim of its fury.

It is common for vain and presumptuous people to pretend to have what they want.

Nothing prevents being natural as much as the desire to appear so.

A whim is a desire experienced by a person who neither knows nor cares to discover its causes.

A desire is all the more violent the more the object that motivates it is ignored.

A lot becomes little when you want a little more.

The desire for money grows as much as money itself.

Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it's because we're dangerously close to wanting nothing.

When desire is deficient:

Desire dies automatically when it is achieved: it dies when it is satisfied. Love, on the other hand, is eternally dissatisfied.

Pleasure is weak when it is not forged in the forge of desire.

You have to get rid of the desire to do things like others and do what you think calmly and without fear.

No matter how small a wish, it keeps you tied, like a calf to a cow.

I settle for what they give me for fear of going out to find what I really want.

What you call hope is nothing more than the agony of desire.

Do you really believe that praying and hoping will get you what you want?

You should stop worrying about things that are beyond your desire.

There are people who want out loud what they never make an effort to achieve.

Why do you believe in me the desire and then deny me the talent.

The mistake people make is never wanting too much, just wanting too little.

When desire is balanced:

Wishes come true when you forget about them.

Make a wish and don't tell anyone. Not even yourself.

Desire automatically dies when it is achieved: it expires when satisfied.

Do not ask for things to come as you wish, but wish them as they come, and you will always prosper.

The past is written in memory and desire is present in desire.

Do whatever it takes to achieve your deepest desire, and you will eventually achieve it.

Part of healing is the desire to be healed.

Will is the power of desire when concentrated and sustained.

Wishes are made, they are not asked for. What is requested is the object of desire.

It is better desire without possession than possession without desire.

Sometimes you do what you want, the rest of the time you do what you should.

Wish fulfillment is sweet to the heart.

What you want is on its way. It will come according to fortune.

The desire to deserve the praises that are paid to us strengthens our virtue.

When you awaken a desire in another, an energy is unleashed that is useless to resist.

What you do or don't do is motivated by a desire, whether you can identify it or not.

Intense desire creates not only its own opportunities but also its own talents.

Being for possibilities is shown as pure desire.

Happiness consists in appreciating what you have, and not over-desiring what you don't have.

When desire is combined with reason, we reason.

He who conquers his desires is braver than he who conquers his enemies.

Let there be not what I wish, but what is fair.

The desire for intimacy is the desire to share the deepest part of oneself with another.

All transformations begin with a burning desire to change.

What is lawful is not pleasant; the forbidden excites desire.

If you want not to frustrate your wishes, you can: only wish what depends on you.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©