

Whoever has power has the power to do or prevent something. When someone turns their will towards an object, they have power.

In the mandala of emotions, will belongs to the family of passions. Will and duty are two brothers with antagonistic paths in relation to objects and people. All power implies a duty. The other side of will is the intention to get away, two opposite points in the cycle of transformations that goes from rest to movement. What is in our will to do, is also in our will not to do.

When the power is too much:

Those who are intoxicated with power are incapable of perceiving that power is blinding.

It is manifest madness to live precariously in order to die rich.

Exercising power over someone's livelihood is equivalent to exercising power over their will.

We feel our power more clearly when we break a person's spirit than when we conquer their heart.

The abuse of power is a disease of the human being.

If it is not in our power to discern the best opinions, we must follow the most likely.

The fanatic believes he can confront the power of evil with the purity of his principles.

Power wears out those who abuse it.

Even the mightiest of human beings has a limited sphere of force.

Power is never stable when it is unlimited.

When power is lacking:

In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you felt and why you no longer need to feel it.

There are people who only praise what they think they can imitate.

When someone is feared it is because we have granted that someone power over us.

Who had the power to stop the love that leaves.

Oh! If we were given the power to see ourselves as others see us. How much nonsense would we be free of?

Competition for wealth, honors, leadership, or any other power leads to antagonism and enmity.

No one ever exercised a maliciously conquered power well.

Even with the best will it is not easy for men to get to know each other, and to this is added ill will, which distorts everything.

You can sell yourself, any offer is good if you want power.

Power only corrupts the corrupt.

It's possible that the crazier someone is, the more power they can acquire.

Our power to harm grows faster than our wisdom in using that power.

When power is balanced:

True power consists in knowing that you can, but you don't want to.

Being happy means being able to perceive yourself without fear.

The more ownership you feel of your power of decision, the more powerful your decisions will be.

Power is the strongest aphrodisiac.

Always know what you are doing at all times, therein lies the true power.

There is only one success: being able to live life to your liking.

I am more than I appear, all the strength and power of the world are inside me.

When concentration permeates the mind and body, the power of the breath becomes one with the universe.

It is a symptom of a universal intelligence to be able to treat yourself to different beauties.

Even the mightiest of human beings has a limited sphere of strength. Take it out of that sphere and attract it to yours; its strength will dissipate.

Happiness consists in being able to unite the beginning with the end.

Rely on peace to activate your multifaceted powers: pacify your environment and create a beautiful world.

Positive freedom also implies the principle that there is no power greater than the individual self.

Nothing is totally in our power, except our thoughts.

Man is a child: his power is the power to fulfill himself.

The greatest pleasure in life is to do what everyone says you can't do.

It is characteristic of the philosopher to be able to speculate on all things.

What is happiness? — The feeling that power grows, that a resistance is overcome.

Justice requires power, intelligence and will.

Giving is the greatest manifestation of power, the one who serves dominates.

Patience has more power than strength.

Whatever you can or dream you can, start it. Boldness possesses genius, power, and magic.

The hardest thing in the world is to reveal yourself in order to express what you feel.

All power is provisional, the last day will always come.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©