moving away

Moving away

Once the object of the relationship is over, the attempt at separation arrives. Moving away from what has already been fulfilled gives way to farewell. In the farewell there is an orderly retreat.

In the Mandala of Emotions moving away belongs to the family of desires. Moving away and approaching are two brothers with antagonistic paths in terms of intention. Knowing how to move away and approach is the key to any lasting relationship. The flip side of walking away is the will. In this case the power decides whether or not to take the object, while moving away implies separating from the object. A beautiful retreat is as glorious as a gallant rush.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Walking away when it's balanced leads to success, but when it's too much or too little, it leads to failure.

When walking away is too much:

Gone, left, escaped, forced flight.

Those who flee in fear often find that they have only taken a short cut to meet him.

The culprit flees when no one is chasing him.

What kind of person runs away from their problems? Well, the one that cannot face them, that is.

In love the one who flees is the one who wins.

Sometimes belief is a flight from reality.

Those who say goodbye a lot have little desire to leave.

The worst thing about running away from yourself is that there is no place to hide.

When walking away is deficient:

There are episodes from the past that are best left behind.

Leaving what is true for what is painted, is from someone ill-advised.

Don't let them convince you that he who is besieged by many is happy.

There is a difference between escaping from a place and knowing where you are escaping to.

But if you delay just to consider how many goods you will take with you, how much money your leisure will provide, you will never find your way out: no one floats with the impedimenta.

Vice loves bustle, virtue, retirement.

We excuse our laziness, under the pretext of difficulty.

What is an escape? A way to escape from a difficulty without satisfying impertinent curiosity.

When walking away is balanced:

Sometimes you have to walk away for things to be resolved.

Shun praise, but try to deserve it.

Getting away when necessary, it can be done with honor.

Try to leave this world better than you found it.

Withdraw from the world and follow the aspirations of your heart; walk in the straightness of the Way.

Loneliness is sometimes the best company, so a short retreat hastens a sweet return.

Fleeing from what is badly sifted, is a cautious man.

The art of conducting consists in knowing when to abandon the baton so as not to disturb the orchestra.

Nowhere does a person retreat more quietly and calmly than in his own soul.

Know how to separate the grain from the chaff and let the little things be blown away by the wind.

Only those who dare to leave much can achieve much.

In a world of fugitives, those who walk the right path seem to run away.

Prudence is the science that knows how to distinguish between the things to be desired and those to be avoided.

It is convenient to finish all the activities that we have started and never leave things half done.

Always in your retreats do not forget to establish a bridgehead on the abandoned shore.

The greatest pleasure I know is to stealthily do a good deed and let it be found out by accident.

What is freedom? Freedom is not the absence of commitments, it is to stop doing what one does not want.

It's time to stop doing what's convenient and start doing what's right.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©