Throwing marks the end of the relationship with the object, it becomes necessary to get rid of it. What no longer serves us we throw it away, we discard it.
The first sensation is hunger, hunger leads us to search.
Then you have to have the ability to grab what was found. What was taken must be assimilated, we must use the energy that nutrients give us. Finally you have to throw away what is no longer useful. In the Mandala of Emotions the action of these four sensations are the nourishing foundation of the soul. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.
Sensations have their correlate on a psychological level. For Jung the psychoid field is the place of origin of the psychic and the physical. Psyche and matter are contained in the same world, that is, they are different aspects of one and the same thing.
When throwing leads to wellness:
It constitutes a destination. It is more noble to be envied than to be pitied.
You straightened your passions towards your highest goal; then they became your virtues.
A person who owns his destiny is more important than his destiny.
Whoever has an end before his eyes makes all things help him to achieve it.
The pleasure in the act leads to the culmination of the work.
The wonderful thing about man: he never gets discouraged or upset enough to give up something he has to do, because he knows it's important.
In your heart shines the star of your destiny.
Fate is the one who shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play.
Whether in a race or in daily life, one must be relaxed to reach the goal.
It is evident that all ends are not perfect ends. But the supreme good constitutes, in some way, a perfect end.
The end is: govern yourself.
Don't act as if you were going to live a thousand years; act as if the end were very near.
And as soon as I had that brilliant idea, the way forward was illuminated from start to finish.
If freedom exists then destiny cannot exist, therefore, we ourselves are our own destiny.
Endings are endings, even if they are happy.
Being as we are, and becoming what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.
The essential often comes last.
Not every term deserves the name of end, but only the one that is optimal.
If you work on your goals, your goals will work for you.
The quality of courage means being willing to take risks to achieve goals.
Wisdom is the goal of the human soul and, as knowledge progresses, the horizon of the unknown in turn recedes.
When the sun is eclipsed to disappear its greatness is better seen.
A good end, there is no bad beginning.
When throwing leads to discomfort:
Memory doesn't have a garbage can.
Our biggest weakness is giving up, the only way to succeed is to try one more time.
It is crueler to fear death than to die.
You have your plans, but in the end you can't control them.
He is weak because he has not hesitated enough and wanted to reach conclusions.
unfinished Nobody should give up a dream without giving it the opportunity to make it come true.
The hardest part of loving someone is saying goodbye.
The longer a dispute lasts, the further we are from the end.
Aborting may be justified; give up, no.
No one should abandon a dream without giving it a chance to make it come true.
The friendship that can end, was never true.
Most people give up their vices only when they bother them.
The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.
Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©