

Every search is a beginning.

The first sensation is hunger, hunger leads us to search. Search belongs to the family of appetites. Aristotle says: only one thing moves: appetite.

Then you have to have the ability to take what was found. What was taken must be assimilated, we must use the energy that nutrients give us. Finally you have to throw away what is no longer useful. In the Mandala of Emotions the action of these four sensations are the nourishing foundation of the soul. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

Sensations have their correlate on a psychological level. For Jung the psychoid field is the place of origin of the psychic and the physical. Psyche and matter are contained in the same world, that is, they are different aspects of one and the same thing.

When searching leads to well-being:

The beginning of something is a very delicate time.

Those who need something start looking for it, they will surely find it.

You have to look for paths that have not been traveled before.

It is sought in happiness and it is found in suffering.

In every passionate quest, the quest counts more than the object pursued.

It is not the possession of the truth, but the success that comes after the search, where the seeker is enriched by it.

The search for god is a useless occupation, for there is nothing to look for where nothing exists. The gods are not sought, they are created.

People looking for trouble tend to find more than they look for.

Seek respect, not attention.

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise man grows it under his feet.

Looking for what you are prepared to do and finding an opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.

You don't have to look for all the pleasures today, but you have to look for all the pleasures of today.

Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when young or weary in seeking it when old.

He who seeks the pearls must dive deep.

Every beginning has its charm.

The noblest pursuit is the pursuit of excellence.

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.

The only joy in the world is to start. It is beautiful to live because to live is to begin, always, at every moment.

There is no greater relief than starting to be what you are.

The important thing is not what is sought, but the facts that are triggered by the search.

Looking for the good of our fellow men, we find our own.

Don't be in a hurry to look for new friends, but once you find them, don't be in a hurry to get rid of them.

Seeking is the beginning of all wisdom.

You can start over at any time you choose, there is no such thing as failure.

Every question is a search. All searching is previously guided by what is sought.

From the beginning the end can be assured.

When searching leads to discomfort:

Many people seeking new beginnings are not done with their past.

One seeks to admire something, but that is something that just happens.

Looking for something when you don't know what you're looking for is very complicated.

Gold prospectors dig a lot and find little.

How many people are there who, like dogs, seem to be looking for an owner!

Courage waits, fear will search.

Human minds are usually very creative when it comes to looking for causes of shame.

In moments of pain, we seek revenge.

I will live to seek you and I will cross the pain to adore you.

Sometimes when you're desperately searching for something, all you see is it. And then you miss the rest of the things that happen around you.

You have to seek the truth and not cling with blind obstinacy to your own criteria.

Happiness is an elusive quality. If you search for it, you will not find it.

Those who do not find satisfaction in themselves will seek it in vain elsewhere.

Don't look for luck, and it will come your way.

If you're looking for different results, don't always do the same thing.

The way to start is to stop talking and start doing it.

Stop looking for dangerous paths, because along the royal path of virtue you can reach the summit of human greatness.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©