

You suffer when you feel oppressed by moral damage. Since suffering is inherent in life, human beings should not try to avoid it, but rather to understand it. In the response to suffering is the path to a fuller existence.

In the Mandala of Emotions, suffering is on the vertical axis of the family of desires, as are desire and uncertainty. Suffering is the mean between ambition and selfishness. The complement of suffering is pleasure. "Pain and pleasure: if someone has one of them, they are almost always obliged to have the other as well, as if they were tied by one head despite being two." Plato"

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Suffering when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When suffering is excessive:

What is the use of insisting on past pains and making yourself miserable because you were?

Let's not add anything to sadness, nor increase it by following the model of others.

Sadness is a disease in which each patient must treat himself.

Suffering that is not understood is hard to bear.

Sadness is a wall between two gardens.

There are people who cannot live without constant drama in their existence.

No one lives comfortably with a sad person, and even less so with sadness.

Suffering is inevitable, but not suffering.

When suffering is deficient:

You have to protect yourself from sadness. Sadness is very close to hate.

When you try to make another person suffer, the most affected is yourself.

The afflicted turn away from what they love very much.

How many dramas are hidden behind opinions so as not to suffer?

The afflicted believe more easily what they want.

It demands more the ostentation of pain than the pain itself.

There are certain tears that tend to deceive ourselves after having deceived others.

Avoid the pleasure that sadness brings.

The only way to overcome sadness is to consume it.

When suffering is balanced:

Until you really cry, you don't know if you have a soul or not.

It is more worth it on the face than the stain on the heart.

To land on the island of wisdom, you must navigate an ocean of woes.

Tears drag suffering away from sorrow.

Suffering begins to dissolve when we question the belief or hope that there is somewhere to hide.

I will embrace happiness because it enlarges my heart; but I will also bear the sadness because it reveals my soul.

Our successes are more happy mixed with sadness.

The human being cannot remake himself without suffering, because he is both the marble and the sculptor.

Sorrows and privations sharpen intelligence and strengthen prudence.

Friends are the only refuge where we can take refuge in misery and setbacks of all kinds.

The cautious person never deplores the present evil; use the present to prevent future afflictions.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©