

Each beginning leads to an end, each end is followed by a beginning, between end and beginning lies rest, stillness. Rest and movement are the two states in which the being can be found. Plato considered them supreme genres of being. Aristotle said that rest is the imperceptible form of movement.

In the Mandala of Emotions the complement of rest is movement. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When rest leads to well-being:

Stillness: the songs of the cicada penetrate the rocks.

Wherever we go in the midst of movement and activity, let us take stillness with us. In this way, the chaotic movement that surrounds us will never hide from us the access door to the source of creativity, to the field of pure potentiality.

The bed is a metaphysical piece of furniture.

The need to sleep is as strong as hunger and thirst.

Before you do anything, sleep on it.

A good conscience serves as a soft pillow.

You have to give the pain a break. Sometimes the spirit must be allowed to rest, away from what hurts it.

A good pillow for a well-balanced head.

Sometimes, in the dream, a certainty in the soul is revealed.

Sleeping is no small art: to master it you have to spend all day awake.

A greater pleasure, that of being able to sleep. The complete quenching of the soul, the vanishing of everything that is beings and people, having no past or future.

The art of resting is a part of the art of working.

Blessed be the dream! Visit all alike, descend like the dew from heaven.

From stillness comes inspiration and from movement comes creativity.

The soul of the good, already has the beginning of its glory in the stillness of its conscience.

More exclusively than in wakefulness, in sleep it is us.

The action of non-action.

The secret to creativity is sleeping well and opening your mind to endless possibilities.

In stillness happiness is clearly perceived.

A day well spent brings a happy dream.

The soul in calm and stillness becomes wise.

The expression of the sleeper reveals the soul of that person.

When I diluted myself I had the revelation that this void is filled with everything that the universe contains.

When rest leads to discomfort:

A disturbed mind causes a restless pillow.

Those who rest in their work produce much more than those who allow themselves to be enslaved by it.

One of the downsides of having nothing to do is that you can't give yourself a break.

Love is an endless dream.

Sleep; that all the time you sleep you will be the same as the one you envy.

The worst thing in the world is trying to sleep and not doing it.

If a person had as many ideas during the day as they have when they have insomnia, they would make a fortune.

The more gold, the less rest.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©