

The universal spirit acts on the shapes and sets them in motion. Movement is change. Rest and movement mark time and life. The dragon is the image of the essence of the eternal movement of creation and destruction. Every beginning leads to an end, every end is followed by a beginning. Rest and movement are the two states in which the being can be found. Plato considered them supreme genres of being.

In the Mandala of Emotions the complement of movement is rest. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When movement leads to wellness:

In the beginning, you have to walk the most traveled roads.

There are moments in life when a single decision in a single moment irremediably changes the course of things.

There are moments like this in life, for the sky to open it is necessary for a door to close.

The thread of life would loosen if it weren't wet with a few tears.

Despite countless doubts, a better life can be built.

Life is to be lived intensely like love, which has to be experienced to the last drop.

Being what we are, doing what we are capable of, is the only purpose of life.

Just the blinding instant of free, unrestrained, irresistible passion.

Satisfy the needs of life like the butterfly that sucks the flower, without destroying its fragrance or its texture.

Life itself is the will to dominate.

While you can, enjoy life surrounded by pleasures; live without losing sight that your life is short.

Sweet it is to think that wherever we wander, we must find something delicious and kind.

Life always ends up finding its way.

Humor is important in all aspects of life.

Happy who, like Ulysses, has completed a beautiful journey!

We need beauty to make life bearable.

Life is like a sea voyage: there are calm days and stormy days. The important thing is to be a good captain of our ship.

We travel to change, not places, but ideas.

You have to sympathize with the joy of life, the less you talk about the wounds of life, the better.

Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and must be taken step by step.

The most pleasant things in the world are pleasant thoughts. The great art of life is to have as many of those thoughts as possible.

Your life bears fruit.

Life is a challenge that gives you the opportunity to connect with your inner self.

Whoever is judicious does not seek revenge on his enemies; leave this care to life.

A cheerful companion serves you on the journey almost like a vehicle.

The people who travel the most are the ones who learn the least. The Wise knows the world without leaving his house.

Travel teaches tolerance.

When movement leads to discomfort:

Living adjusted and forced by the same norm is not really living. High spirits are endowed with admiration.

or allow life to happen to you without you living it.

We usually call living feeling pushed by things instead of leading ourselves with our own hand.

Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.

Only in the recognition of your mistakes can you enjoy your life.

Life only seems short to us because we measure it inconsiderably with our wild hopes.

Whoever walks because he cannot stay still with a very small impulse fixes his direction.

There are times when life ends up cornering you.

Try not to spend your life hating.

Those who never leave their land are full of prejudice.

Life is not a race, but a target shooting, the ability to find a target.

The world promises and does not give, and if it gives you something, it will cost you dearly.

Too often I hear people brag about the miles they've driven, rarely what they've seen.

Those who take things as a joke are defeated by those who take them seriously.

Those who run across the ocean change their sky, but not their soul.

Whoever wants to travel happily should travel light.

There are those who fill life with years, and those who fill years with life.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©