

Plato told us that opinion is the ability to judge about appearance, something intermediate between ignorance and science. The intermediate knowledge of intermediate things is opinion. Knowing the opinions of someone we seek this intermediate knowledge. In the same way, when we make our opinions known, we help the other to build our appearance.

In the Mandala of Emotions opinion belongs to the family of passions. Opinion and belief are two sisters with antagonistic paths regarding the interpretation of reality. In the belief one is and the opinion one has. There are situations in which we find ourselves without firm belief: we find ourselves in doubt as to whether they are or not. Then we make an opinion about them. The other side of opinion is detention. In this case, detention originates from the weakening of opinion.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Opinion, when balanced, leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When opinion is excessive:

The truth should not be confused with the opinion of the majority.

Those who never change their minds love themselves more than the truth.

The queen of the world is force and not opinion; but it is opinion that uses force.

The means to change your mind is affection, not anger.

Opinions are fragile and variable convictions. If they become deep and strongly rooted convictions, then we should call them beliefs.

A stubborn man has no opinions, but opinions to him.

You criticize in others what you recognize and despise as your own.

We do not usually consider as people of good sense but those who share our opinions.

Do not let difference of opinion distance you from your peers, or cause discord.

Opinions are like nails: the more you hit them, the more they penetrate.

One can spend a lifetime making infinite interpretations of the same facts.

When opinion is poor:

Don't get infected, don't give any opinion as your own before seeing if it suits you.

On things that are not known, one always has a better opinion.

We tend to have a lot of confidence in judgments we make based on very little information.

It is not easy to give an opinion against one's own interests; they drag the opinions.

It matters much more what you think of yourself than what others think of you.

Fear not those who have a different opinion, but fear those who have a different opinion but are too cowardly to express it.

What worries us is not things, but opinions about things.

He who never changes his opinion is similar to stagnant water.

It is not very difficult to attack the opinions of others, but it is to support your own.

In an argument, the difficult thing is not to defend our opinion, but to know it.

Each one has a higher concept of himself than the others; but the opinion that others have of him seems more valuable to him than his own.

Those who do not have their own opinion always contradict what others have.

When opinion is balanced:

The ability to change perspective is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools at our disposal.

It is not the people who make the interpretations but the interpretations that make the people.

Our opinion changes daily and moves to the opposite. Most of us spend our lives in this game.

As soon as I give way to doubt, my conviction dies.

I am not so enamored with my own opinions that I ignore what others may think of them.

Truth is the integrity of opinion.

If it is not in our power to discern the best opinions, we must follow the most probable.

The magnanimous person does not like to talk to others, since he has nothing to say, neither about himself nor about others.

Does not criticize others; nor does he like to speak ill even of enemies, except occasionally to say it face to face.

We must grant freedom of opinion and govern in such a way that, even if they openly think different things, they live in peace.

Only your own ideas can really convince you.

We must allow everyone freedom of opinion.

Nothing inspires more awe and wonder than a person who knows how to change their mind.

Wise deliberation is not to be confused with mere opinion.

Opinion is not an exploration of the spirit; although it is already a fairly tight statement, as long as the one who deliberates does it right or wrong, he always looks for something and makes calculations by reasoning.

When the facts change, change your mind.

To give an opinion, one must first judge whether the other person is willing to receive it or not.

The friendship of the good is preserved from calumny.

No one who has known someone for a long time can believe the bad opinions of others.

Lend your ear to all, and to few the voice. Hear the censures of others; but reserve your own opinion.

It is not necessary to always defend the same opinion because nobody can stop you from becoming wiser.

We can only give an impartial opinion on things that do not interest us, without a doubt for this reason impartial opinions are worthless.

Maybe there are enemies of my opinions, but I myself, if I wait a while, I can also be an enemy of my opinions.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©