

Believing is taking it for granted, taking it for granted, accepting it as true. Believing is trusting that people and things are what they appear to be. The beliefs we internalize and live by define who we are. We are each a belief system. And that system is the filter with which we build our selves.

In the mandala of emotions, belief belongs to the family of passions. Belief and opinion are two brothers with antagonistic paths regarding the interpretation of reality. In the belief one is and the opinion one has. There are situations in which we find ourselves without firm belief: we find ourselves in doubt as to whether they are or not. Then we make an opinion about them. The flip side of belief is agitation. In this case, the agitation originates from the weakening of the belief, which is why the state of alarm is produced.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Belief when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

Phrases that show different aspects of the belief when it is inappropriate:

A belief is not true because it is useful.

Ancient beliefs are difficult to eradicate even if they are demonstrably false.

Both confidence and lack of confidence are contagious.

Nothing is believed as firmly as what is least known.

The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.

Success is impossible without self-confidence. Self-confidence is impossible without preparation.

Many would rather stick to their beliefs than achieve anything in the world.

A believer is a caged bird; a freethinker is an eagle that flies through the clouds with tireless wings.

Superstition is the religion of weak spirits.

You can't convince a believer of anything because their beliefs are based on an ingrained need to believe.

You don't choose the things you believe in, they choose you.

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; oneself is quite capable of any evil.

You may be fooled if you trust too much, but you'll live in torment unless you don't trust enough.

You are never as stubborn as when you hold a wrong belief.

We tend to believe what suits us.

Sometimes beliefs are so strong that they allow violence to be justified.

Faith is confirmed in the clash with contrary opinions; fanaticism tries to drown them.

Nothing entangles us in greater evils than sticking to rumours, in the belief that the best is what is accepted by all.

It should be noted that many beliefs are based on prejudice.

The strength of a belief has nothing to do with its truthfulness.

Charm is what some people have until they start to believe it.

We believe beliefs too much, because it is more comfortable not to question ourselves.

The fanatic is the one who considers that his belief is not simply his right, but an obligation for him and for everyone else.

For there to be betrayal, there must first be trust.

Stubbornness is never so stubborn as when it maintains a mistaken belief.

A belief is not just an idea that the mind possesses, it is an idea that possesses the mind.

The greater the glory, the less it should be trusted.

The need for certainty is the worst disease the mind can face.

You can't be successful or happy if you don't have self-confidence.

Any belief that does not make you happier and freer is an erroneous and superstitious belief.

There are beliefs so implanted in our way of thinking that they are unconscious, automatic.

Skeptics spend their time trying to understand why so many people want or need to believe.

He who does not trust enough will not be trustworthy.

As foolish is the excessively credulous as the sin of skeptic.

Phrases that help balance belief:

Believe that living is valuable and your belief will help you do so.

Trust is created when someone is vulnerable and is not taken advantage of.

Optimism is the faith that leads to success. Nothing can be done without hope and trust.

You must trust and believe in people, otherwise life becomes impossible.

Optimism is the belief that everything is beautiful.

Faith is believing that what we want will happen.

Faith lies in believing what seems true.

Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks.

Nothing has more power than a spirit animated by faith.

When you are confident, you can have a lot of pleasure. And when you have pleasure you can do amazing things.

When it comes to large sums, it is best not to trust anyone.

Believing is a moral act for which the believer must be held responsible.

Keep your promises and be consistent. Be the kind of person others can trust.

I humbly thanked you for allowing me to detect this fantasy in myself before it becomes a belief.

The art of living is the art of believing lies.

Trust yourself, and you will know how to live.

Only those who are also believe in the divine.

Leadership means that a group is willing to entrust authority to a person who has demonstrated ability, wisdom and competence.

In all things you should trust your own activity more than that of others.

Go with confidence in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

What always happens is what you really believe in; and believing in something makes it happen.

If you know yourself well, you've learned to trust yourself.

You can believe what you like, but you'd do well to check it out.

And before understanding he has the need to believe. Reason consists only of an analyzed faith.

A test of one's own goodness is to trust in the goodness of others.

One of the joys of friendship is knowing who to trust.

When trust is high, communication is easy, instant and effective.

Patience is the art of trusting.

Deep belief is something that allows each individual to find an inner strength.

Human wisdom is contained entirely in these two words: Trust and wait with self-control.

All personal progress begins with a change in beliefs

The collapse of a belief creates a new dimension of the subject.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©