

According to Plato, memory is the faculty of sensible remembering, the retention of impressions and perceptions. Memory is the intrinsic capacity that facilitates the predictive properties of the brain. It is, so to speak, our vital agenda of data and emotions. Thanks to memory, what is called experience is given.

In the Mandala of Emotions the memory complement is the habit. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When memory leads to well-being:

The cultivation of memory is as necessary as food for the body.

Let's not lose anything from the past. Only with the past is the future formed.

Neither revenge nor forgiveness, oblivion is the only revenge and the only forgiveness.

Experience is one of the causes of success or failure. We do not suffer the impact of our experiences, called traumas, but we adapt them to our purposes.

For a relationship to be really interesting, there needs to be memory and desire. The past is written in memory and the future is present in desire.

Those who always tell the truth can afford to have a bad memory.

Memory is selective and tends to erase the hard parts, putting together a memory based only on the sweetest... But you have to try to be honest.

The memory allows many poetic licenses. Some details are omitted, others are exaggerated.

To be able to enjoy the memories of life is to live twice.

Remember: From the Latin Re - Cordis, to go through the heart again.

Thankfulness is the memory of the heart.

Walker, your footprints are the path and nothing more. Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking.

Imagination is made of conventions of memory. If I had no memory I could not imagine.

There are times when you forget about yourself, and also what you are.

It is healthy to unclog the memory and finish making peace with everything that was left behind.

Finally, you have to forget the techniques. The more you progress, the less teachings there are. The Great Path is truly a No Path.

What matters is not cultivating memory, but awakening the critical spirit and analysis.

Your past shapes you whether you like it or not. Each encounter and experience has its own effect.

Knowing how to forget: it is more happiness than art. The things that are most to be forgotten are the most remembered.

You can't undo the past, but you certainly can't repeat it.

We are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of inconstant forms, that pile of broken mirrors.

When memory leads to discomfort:

Those who have no memory, make one out of paper.

Among the phenomena of consciousness, the mechanism of memory is the most fearsome and mysterious.

Nothing engraves something so firmly in our memory as the desire to forget it.

It's the same as waiting for the past... Time and rivers don't run backwards.

Don't be afraid of your past. Learn from him and enhance his present.

There are forgetfulness that burn and there are memories that magnify.

What you end up remembering is not always the same as what you witnessed.

Certain memories, no matter how irrelevant they may be, are sometimes great impediments.

There is no place in oblivion for lost love.

No matter how wonderful things have been, we can't live in the past.

Childhood traumas, after all, is what each one of us is.

The memories that one buries in silence are the ones that do not stop haunting you.

If you don't want to repeat the past, study it.

Surmenage. Due to excessive use, the memory is saturated.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©