

Habit is any regularly repeated behavior. The habit predisposes a subject to the perfect performance of a task or activity. The character of a person is the way in which he habitually reacts to a situation, what the human being, with his intelligence and his conscience, has changed, added or removed from his temperament, that is, from the elements that nature has given him.

Habit or custom is something essential in human life. Aristotle says: Moral virtue is born from habit and customs, and we only acquire them after having previously practiced them . It is of utmost importance to adopt from childhood and as quickly as possible such or such habits, this is a point of great interest, or to put it better, it is the whole.

In the Mandala of Emotions the complement of the habit is the memory. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When habit leads to well-being:

Habits are extremely helpful in simplifying parts of our lives that we don't want to think about.

Good habits conform to each other, and that's why they last.

Character cannot be developed in quiet and stillness. Only through the experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened.

Character is the faculty that each one has to live as they please.

Those who practice sweetness achieve a sweet character.

People who have good character are the most worthy of being loved.

The customs of each make their fortune.

Honorable character is the product of virtuous acts.

Your character must be above all suspicion, you must be truthful and always have self-control.

What is done out of habit already happens as if it were natural.

Intuition is the habit of principles.

Watch your actions, because they will become your habits. Take care of your habits, because they will become your destiny.

Sow an act and reap a habit. Plant a habit and you will harvest character.

Morality is the rule of customs. And customs are habits. Morality is, then, the rule of habits.

If from the beginning we were good or bad, there would be no need for a teacher to teach how to act well.

For friendship ties to be established, time and habit are necessary.

For the vice of others, the wise man amends his own.

Whoever, by doing the old path again, learns the new one, can be considered a master.

When habit leads to discomfort:

We are so used to disguising ourselves before others that in the end we disguise ourselves before ourselves.

Habit diminishes admiration, and a medium novelty usually beats the greatest aged eminence.

Being aware of the routine is taking the first step to change it.

Someone with good character is meek, humble and free from the desires of the material world. Someone with a bad character is harsh, proud and a slave to greed.

The chains of habit are so solid that they are not felt, they even become so strong that no one can break them.

We are terrified of anything out of the ordinary, or a change in routine.

The good use of freedom -exchanged in the habit- is called virtue, and its bad use, vice.

Inquina is the antipathy or aversion that is experienced against a person or a thing and that drives them to treat it in a negative way.

Mania is a psychological condition that is the opposite of depression: excessive euphoria, grandiose and frantic conversations.

Violence abounds where custom is lacking.

The mania that certain people have for giving advice without anyone asking for it.

Perhaps the routine blinds us and we only see what we think we see.

Lie to yourself many times just out of habit.

Routine is the habit of giving up thinking.

Novelty attracts attention and even respect, but habit soon makes it disappear.

The routine has made them heartless. They are no longer but automatons.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©