

All our knowledge starts from the sense and then passes to the understanding. To be aware of what you know and what you don't know, that is indeed knowing. Experience itself is a way of knowing that requires understanding. Knowing is the natural reason, the direct perception of the environment without thought that alters it.

In the Mandala of Emotions the complement of knowledge is coherence. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When knowing leads to well-being:

Only the knowledge that makes us better is useful.

It doesn't matter so much that you know a lot, but rather that you know something well; not that he knows something by heart, but that he understands it.

He who increases his knowledge increases his affliction as well.

He who knows how much is enough, always has enough.

Do not seek to know the answers, but to understand the questions.

Don't say everything you know, but always try to know what you say.

You never reach the total truth, nor are you ever totally far from it.

Carry your culture discreetly, like you carry your watch in your pocket, without taking it out every so often just to show you have it.

The real joy of exploration - whatever its type - is the adventure of not knowing what you'll find.

When you know yourself and you know others, victory is not a danger.

The acquisition of culture is the development of an avid hunger for knowledge and beauty.

Intuition and concepts constitute, then, the elements of all our knowledge.

Investigate closely and reflect on the things that are close at hand. Then you will find the fullness of your humanity.

Knowledge can be possessed by anyone, but the art of thinking is nature's rarest gift.

Introspection, from the Latin introspicere (to look inside). It is the knowledge that the subject can acquire of their own mental states.

Meet the lucky ones for the election, and the unlucky ones for the escape.

There can be no goodness where there is no knowledge of it.

Teaching is the purest way of understanding.

Knowledge rests not only on truth but also on error.

The path of success is the path of the continuous search for knowledge.

Hunger is the first thing to learn: being hungry is the first thing you learn.

When knowing leads to discomfort:

Pretending to ignore what is known and pretending to know what is ignored.

Don't be fooled! See for yourself! What you do not know for yourself, you do not know.

Everyone aspires to a happy life, but no one knows what it is.

Knowledge has no power if it cannot be shared.

Ignorance and obscurantism have produced nothing but herds of slaves.

Usually, fear comes from ignorance.

Let's admit that the first time you are offended by ignorance; but let's believe that the second is usually for villainy.

Since no one is capable of knowing everything, there is no choice but to humbly accept how much we do not know.

If we didn't pretend to know everything so exactly, we might know things better.

Ignorance is the mother of evil and all other vices.

Those who really know what they are talking about find no reason to raise their voices.

To understand something it is necessary to put aside prejudices.

It is believed with the greatest firmness in what is least known. Belief teaches people to be satisfied with not understanding.

It is much more important that you know yourself than to make yourself known to others.

Some people will never learn anything for the simple reason that they understand everything too soon.

It is better to know a little of everything than a little of everything.

You can't untie a knot without knowing how it's done.

Everyone wants to know, but few pay for the work it's worth.

The incompetent always presents himself as an expert.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©