

As the individual is doing, the feeling of self is naturally formed in him. The self arises from the cohesion of sensible perceptions around common sense or common sensation. From experimentation arises the intimate sensation of the self, of the subject as the integrating center of the surrounding objects.

In the Mandala of Emotions coherence complement is know. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When coherence leads to well-being:

Every moment of your life makes sense if you learn from it, and if you do, the following moments will be easier.

If your past is experience, make tomorrow common sense.

All our knowledge starts from the sense and then passes to the understanding.

Internal consistency increases the efficiency and power of our capabilities.

It's common sense to pick one method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try something else.

When you live through the ego, you always reduce the present moment to a means to an end.

Being sad is almost always the same as thinking too much about yourself.

The ego is the monster we have created. Who is the master, who is the slave?

The ego affects everything. Without the necessary dose you do not trust yourself and you do not achieve your desire; if you have too much you can end up losing. But in its fair dose nothing will stand in your way.

Act the way you would like to be and soon you will be the way you act.

To succeed it is necessary, more than anything, to have common sense.

The ideal, profoundly felt and beautifully expressed: that is art.

No price is too high for the privilege of being yourself.

Authentic freedom cannot be experienced until one learns to master the ego and leave self-obsession behind.

Happiness consists in putting your thoughts, your words and your actions in agreement.

When who you appear to be is who you really are, that's when you're truly at peace.

As far as we can reach, the only meaning of human existence is to turn on a light in the darkness of mere being.

Those who are brave are bold, creative and confident because they know their identity and have a sense of calling.

Unique and singular is my attitude, it makes me different and I treat each person as unique, singular and unrepeatable.

It is not life that has meaning; It is the human being who gives meaning to life.

People who cultivate common sense never refuse to admit their mistakes.

When coherence leads to discomfort:

Do not be easily influenced by the suggestions of others. Have your own sense of individuality.

The subliminal ego: that vast and hidden extension of the personality. That is where the fascination lies.

The voice of the ego alters the body's natural state of well-being.

The most frequent cause of shyness is an excessive opinion of our own importance.

The image of victims that some people have of themselves is so strong that it becomes the central nucleus of their ego.

We tend to love ourselves in the other, but not the other for himself.

People with a big ego need to be the center of attention, crave recognition, and care very little about others.

Don't kill your ego, it's part of your self. The ego is the shadow of your being, of your light.

Everyone receives so much information throughout the day that they lose their common sense.

We are what we believe in, even without realizing it.

The easy thing is to complicate your life, to invent stories. The hard part is maintaining consistency.

The psychopath devalues ​​others so that he can feel like a unique and special being.

It may be impossible to disguise yourself with an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.

In any battle between fanaticism and common sense, the latter rarely manages to prevail.

Ego satisfaction is short-lived, and you keep looking for more, buying, consuming.

Someone self-realizes to the same extent that they commit to fulfilling the meaning of their life.

The small details are the reflection of each one of us. That is why no one can be replaced, because we are all made of small and precious details.

Those who have a practical sense have a sense of humor.

Age, by itself, does not make anyone better or wiser, it only accentuates what each one has always been.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©