

Justice is the virtue that inclines to give everyone what they deserve. Aristotle says: justice is a mean between excess and deficiency. Whoever commits injustice gets more than he should have, and whoever suffers it has less than he should have. Justice is a condition of happiness.

Justice and goodness are two closely related sisters. Sometimes it is easier to be good than to be fair. Without a sense of justice, true goodness is very difficult to achieve. Clemency and justice are always united.

In the Mandala of Emotions justice belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When justice leads to happiness:

Time is fair and puts everything in its place.

Those who are fair and firm in their convictions will not be moved from their purposes.

It is not just about suffering an injustice, but knowing about others and feeling them as if they were your own.

In a world of fugitives, the one who walks the right path, seems to flee.

What is fair must be the real measure with which the majority and excellence of power is regulated.

Where justice reigns, to do your duty is to be free.

Moderation, tolerance and justice govern the heart and disarm discontent.

To judge well the human heart, study your own, because men in general are very similar.

The proper virtue of exalted souls is justice.

The best award is to deserve it.

Four characteristics correspond to the judge: listen courteously, respond wisely, weigh prudently and decide impartially.

Do only what is right, the rest will take care of itself.

All virtues are included in justice if you are fair, you are a good person.

The art of judging and reasoning are exactly the same.

When there is friendship, there is no need for justice; but, although men are just, they need friendship.

It is just who in their relationships with others only aspires to equality.

Judge little, ask a lot, and in the end you'll be a learned man.

When justice leads to unhappiness:

The worst form of injustice is simulated justice.

The punishment of one, warns many.

We have no right to judge what we are unable to understand.

Those who fear their conscience, serve their sentence every day.

Knowing what is fair and not practicing it is cowardice.

There are few fair people because there are few people willing to give each one what corresponds to him.

We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals and others by their actions.

Inflexible justice is often the greatest injustice.

Sometimes justice is the convenience of the strongest.

Those who can resort to violence have no need to resort to justice.

It is much more difficult to judge yourself than to judge others.

If justice cannot win, at least let the truth win.

Each one thinks he is tremendously invested, and there are many who sit at the right hand of God to judge others.

The envy that always walks the world in disguise, and never more hateful than when it pretends to disguise itself as justice.

Those who seek justice with too much effort and dedication are not really seeking justice.

Leniency should not speak too loudly, if you do not want to wake up justice.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©