

Kindness is one of the highest human virtues, because the kind person is generous, has an inclination to do good to others without expecting anything in return and does so with affection, understanding and respect.

Kindness and justice are two closely related sisters. Sometimes it is easier to be good than to be fair. Without the sense of justice, true goodness is very difficult to achieve. Clemency and justice are always united.

In the Mandala of Emotions kindness belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When kindness leads to happiness:

Knowing how to recognize what is good in others makes us good.

Wanting to become good is a big part of goodness.

What moves us to compassion are the misfortunes that seem close to us.

Being good does not consist in not committing any fault, but in knowing how to make amends.

The good we have done gives us an inner satisfaction, which is a sweet passion.

If you think you're good, first believe you're bad.

Enjoy your own generosity, the pleasure of making others enjoy.

Virtue and generosity are rewarded in an inscrutable way.

Generosity is a gift that one gives oneself. There is nothing better to feel good.

All paths of kindness lead to enlightenment and awakening.

Virtue resides in what you give, not in what you receive. Therefore, when the wise want to be respected by others, they first respect them.

What is beautiful is good, and what is good will soon be beautiful too.

All virtues are included in justice if you are fair, you are a good person.

It is important to be good, but it is more important to do good.

He who is good is free even when he is a slave; he who is bad is a slave even if he is a king.

Good people, if you think about it a bit, have always been happy people.

The supreme happiness lies in knowing that those we love are good and virtuous.

When kindness leads to unhappiness:

All is lost when the bad serve as an example and the good as a mockery.

He who does not know why he is good cannot be good for long.

People are good only because they expect a reward.

Greed brings with it a determined will to do evil.

Poverty has this problem: it encourages bad deeds.

In life you need to have generosity, instead of cultivating your own little character.

Sometimes people are good just because they fear punishment.

You should never have expectations of others. Just be nice to them.

He is prodigal who negligently continuously squanders his heritage unjustifiably.

One sees in others the evil that one carries within oneself.

There are many good people, but they are discreet. The bad guys, on the other hand, make a lot of noise.

The wicked mock good people in public, and secretly respect and envy them.

Evil is never done so completely and enthusiastically as when done out of religious persuasion.

When generosity is a matter of vainglory, it ceases to be goodness.

Men are more often mistaken for being too smart than too good.

Those who are too busy doing good don't have time to be good.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©