

Of all the aspirations that someone may have, the most appropriate is to own oneself, because without this nothing is possible. To govern others, you must first govern yourself. Aristotle says: whoever commands must possess moral virtue in all its perfection. The authority must ensure that the good is identical for the individual and for society. This is the greatest political success.

Government and courage complement each other. He who has the courage to rule himself is fit to rule the whole world.

In the Mandala of Emotions the government belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When government leads to happiness:

To educate is to train people to govern themselves, and not to be governed by others.

Governing is seeking the agreement of all particular interests.

Governing means taking on everyone's ills.

Think for yourself and question authority.

The first maxim of every citizen must be to obey the laws and customs of his country, and in all other things to govern himself according to the most moderate opinions and farthest from excess.

You have to govern with an iron glove inside a velvet glove.

Authority is a natural faculty that gives its possessor the gift of provoking respect.

Shun was undoubtedly one of those who knew how to govern through non-action. As he did? He sat reverently on the throne, facing south. That was all.

Govern means to rectify.

He who rules by his moral excellence can be compared to the North Star, which remains in its place while all other stars revolve before it.

The most perfect system of government is the one that produces the greatest amount of welfare possible.

Being an authority is the very essence of a personality that has achieved a high degree of development and integration.

You don't need a perfect government, you need one that is practical.

You cannot have a greater government, or less, than one's own.

There is no authority like the one based on justice and exercised by virtue.

A state is governed better by someone good than by good laws.

To govern requires firmness, but also a lot of flexibility and patience.

May your presence always imply authority. To achieve this you must have perfect control of yourself.

When government leads to unhappiness:

Those who do not know how to govern themselves will find it impossible to order the behavior of others.

Where command is coveted and disputed, there can be no good government, nor will harmony reign.

Government has not been made for the comfort and pleasure of those who govern.

Men try to rule others, but they avoid ruling themselves.

The greatest danger of governments is wanting to govern too much.

Frightening game of love, in which one of the players must lose control of himself.

All governments die from the exaggeration of their principle.

If any prince tyrannizes the people, he does not honor the spirits and endangers the fertility of the land.

Faith that rests on authority is not faith.

By commanding badly, the authority of the command is lost.

Governing cunning is the art of creating problems whose solution keeps the populace on edge.

The pleasure that governing provides must be great, since there are so many who aspire to do so.

Rulers who care about treasures and riches will bring great calamities.

The bad examples received in our house corrupt us more easily and quickly, since they insinuate themselves in our soul with force of authority.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©