

Courage is the quality of spirit that moves us to resolutely undertake great undertakings and face dangers. Aristotle says: Whoever tolerates and knows how to fear what they should fear and tolerate, manifests for a just cause, in the right way and at the right time and also knows how to have rational security in all these conditions, is a person of courage.

Courage and government complement each other. He who has the courage to rule himself is fit to rule the whole world. One is morally beautiful when he practices beautiful actions exclusively because they are beautiful, that is, the acts that virtue inspires.

In the Mandala of Emotions courage belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When courage leads to happiness:

Courage is manifested in cases where it is necessary to defend oneself with ardor and in which death can be honorable.

The wise fear, and the fool dares.

Having ideas is not enough; performing them is more important, but it takes courage to do so.

For men of courage companies have been made.

Sometimes even living is an act of courage.

True courage consists in knowing how to suffer.

Courage is the middle ground between cowardice and thoughtless impetuosity.

Do not approach this world with fear and rejection. Courageously face all that the gods offer you.

No one is so brave that they are not disturbed by something unexpected.

In battle it is the cowards who are most at risk; courage is a wall of defense.

Courage consists in knowing how to choose the lesser evil, however horrible it may be.

Have the courage to live great emotions deeply to create a high and true character.

We have to live with the decisions we make...That's what courage is all about.

Courage is the son of prudence, not recklessness.

To be brave is to be afraid but to find a way through it.

Those who are cowards die many times. Those who are brave only one.

The brave looks at danger, the reckless looks for it, the mad cannot see it.

You must above all have the courage to be yourself.

Being brave doesn't mean you should look for trouble.

A brave man recognizes the strength of others.

Live like brave men and if luck is against you, meet its blows with brave hearts.

Fortune always favors the brave and never helps those who do not help themselves.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Danger shines like the sun in the eyes of a brave man.

Courage is contagious. When a brave person takes a stand.

It takes courage to do something that no one else around you is doing.

A brave mind is always impregnable.

Forgiveness is the value of the brave. Only who is strong enough to forgive an offense knows how to love.

It takes great courage to defend our friends and to face our enemies.

Discretion is the best part of courage.

When courage leads to unhappiness:

Admiring courage does not make you a true hero.

Cowardice has attacked your soul; which hinders man many times, and deviates from honest companies.

Those who stick to their necks rarely succeed.

You can't discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shoreline.

Slavery is the subjection of a weak and cowardly spirit that is not master of its will.

There are few faint-hearted who always know all their fear.

Cowards are cruel, love and mercy only accompany the brave.

The cowardly and mean, look too much at the ends.

Hate is the coward's revenge.

It's not easy to stop loving. Love is a disease full of unworthiness and cowardice.

The bravery that many flaunt is a calculation on the fear that dominates their adversaries.

Cowards are those who hide under the rules.

The true hero fights and dies in the name of his destiny, not in the name of a belief.

Being brave doesn't mean you should look for trouble.

Sometimes we are firm because we are weak, and bold because of cowardice.

It's easy to be brave from a safe distance.

Bravery not founded on prudence is called recklessness, and the deeds of the reckless are attributed more to good fortune than spirit.

Opulence has its misery: it is cowardly and clings to life.

Being brave doesn't mean you should look for trouble.

The coward is a lion in his house, and a hare in the square.

Whoever is brave in words is very light on his feet.

In calm seas we are all captains.

He who is brave may not live forever, but he who is cautious does not live at all.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©