

The realization consists in the development of the potential of the individual. Realizing oneself is expressing our talents, gifts and abilities in the world. The greatness of the soul is a mean between vanity and shame.

The complement of the realization is the fullness. Fullness is the state of a thing or person that has reached its moment of maximum perfection or development.

In the Mandala of Emotions realization belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When fulfillment leads to happiness:

You deserve everything that makes you grow as a person and be happy.

Failure is the key to success. Every mistake teaches us something.

To the extent that the past can really be overcome, that overcoming would consist of narrating what happened.

The happier one is in this life, the less one cares about being like others.

The true joy in life comes from finding your true purpose and aligning it with what you do every day.

The happiest person in the world is the one who knows how to recognize the merits of others and can rejoice in the good of others as if it were their own.

For the hope of tomorrow we sacrifice today, however happiness is always in the now.

Dreams don't come true on their own. You have to make them real. It requires a lot of effort, it is not easy, but it is not impossible either.

Life is so uncertain that happiness should be seized at the moment it appears.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness, enjoying what you get.

Our own innate desire to always do better, to overcome new challenges, to achieve self-realization.

Nothing splendid was ever created in cold blood. Heat is required to forge anything. Every great achievement is the story of a heart on fire.

What you get will never make you happy; who you are will make you very happy or very sad.

People take different paths looking for their fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not in your way doesn't mean they're lost.

You have to give life a meaning for the very fact that life has no meaning.

The happy and blissful life is the sole object of all fulfillment in life.

Accomplished people rarely sit back and let things happen to them. They go out and things happen to them.

Happiness lies in the leisure of the spirit.

There is only one certain glory, that of the soul that is happy with itself.

Achieve self-realization, and the whole world is within oneself.

The beauty of things exists in the spirit of those who contemplate them.

Individuation is a process that involves the growth of the strength and integration of the individual personality.

Success in life could be defined as the continuous growth of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.

Creative people are the ones with the most self-knowledge.

The human being will only be happy if he uses all his capacities and possibilities.

Happy is not the one who laughs, but the one whose soul, full of joy and confidence, overcomes and is superior to events.

Feeling fulfilled with our life requires a deep personal work. Those who achieve it experience not only contentment but also profound peace.

Happiness is the sum and compendium of what one has been doing with his life.

Being yourself in a world that constantly tries to do something else to you is the greatest achievement.

A great achievement shouldn't be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.

When fulfillment leads to unhappiness:

Success makes you live in a bubble and failure finally puts you in your place.

Each person contains several people inside, and most of us jump from one to another without ever knowing who we are.

The unfortunate easily believe what they long for.

We all try to live a meaningful life, but at some point we stop.

Feelings of hate are sometimes feelings of frustration directed at an imaginary being.

We equally exaggerate misfortunes and happiness; we are never as miserable or as happy as they say.

In general, someone who otherwise doesn't know how to give meaning to his life is willing to sacrifice himself.

You don't work to earn money, but to justify life.

Most of the failures come from wanting to advance the time of success.

What you get will never make you happy; who you are will make you very happy or very sad.

Those who quit outnumber those who fail.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©