Shame is the disturbance of the spirit caused by the awareness of some fault committed, or by some dishonorable and humiliating action. We are ashamed when things happen to us, have happened to us or are going to happen that lead to discredit and criticism, such as being the object of outrage, and also acts that lead to indiscipline.
In the Mandala of Emotions, shame belongs to the family of desires. Shame and fear are two brothers with antagonistic paths when it comes to the opinion of others. The fear of giving a bad opinion of oneself or humiliation for a mistake committed. The flip side of shame is pride. In this case, pride originates from the excessive accumulation of shame. Someone who is humiliated by everyone is often comforted when he finds himself humiliating someone even lower than himself.
Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Shame when balanced leads to success, but when it is too much or too little, it leads to failure.
When excessive shame:
The feeling of guilt, permanently, can lead to cruelty.
Victimization makes people dependent on those who have harmed them.
Sadism is like fire. The more he eats, the hungrier he gets.
Getting irritated by a reproach is recognizing that it has been deserved.
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth.
You compete in a huge contest of evil. Day by day the desire to sin is greater, the shame less.
Mockery and ridicule are, among all insults, the least forgiven.
He who despises too much, makes himself worthy of his own contempt.
The human capacity for guilt is such that people can always find a way to blame themselves.
When shame is deficient:
Shame comes to the aid of people or debases them.
What you call hatred, resentment and revenge are the only weapons that the poor have to express the wrong suffered and claim their justice.
Blaming others instead of oneself, that is within everyone's reach.
The essence of religion is the feeling of guilt.
You compete in a huge contest of evil. From day to day the desire to sin is greater, the shame less.
Scoundrels are often specialists at pretending to be true saints.
The only unforgivable mistake is not trying to right what has been done wrong.
Shamelessness would be a certain contempt and indifference.
He doesn't know how to return to his owner the shame that left.
When shame is balanced:
There can be only one good in evil: the shame of having done it or received it.
The important thing is not to blame someone for an error, but to find out what caused the error.
Failure is not shameful, what is shameful is not trying.
The shame is as deep as the sorrow.
When someone offends you, try to raise your soul very high so that the offense does not reach it.
If they offend you, defend yourself; but without ever fighting you.
Those who love do not long remember the wrong.
We feel ashamed before those on whom something we greatly need depends, as happens with those who fall in love.
It is impossible to go through life without receiving a scratch.
Forgiveness is a beautiful act.
We have to proceed in such a way that we don't blush at ourselves.
Get used to forming only those ideas about which, if you were suddenly asked: What are you thinking now?, Frankly, you could instantly answer: This or that.
A person of integrity is ashamed that his words are better than his actions.
Sooner or later we all have to pay for what we have done
Forgiving an offense is the courage of the brave.
Every time someone commits a foul against you, meditate to the point what concept of evil or good they had when doing it. Once you have examined that, you will have compassion.
We are ashamed before those we care about.
Shame is both the feeling for what has been done wrong and the inhibiting impulse that leads us to avoid certain actions.
Asking is embarrassing for a moment; not asking is shame of a life.
The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.
Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©