

Friendship is a pure and disinterested feeling that unites people. Aristotle says: We praise those who love their friends because the affection that is granted to friends is one of the noblest feelings that our hearts can hold. True friends have but one soul. The only reason that should incite us to friendship is the search for virtues and mutual improvement.

Friendship and leisure complement each other.

In the Mandala of Emotions friendship belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When friendship leads to happiness:

Between individuals, friendship is never given, but must be conquered.

Wanting the same things, not wanting the same things: that is the strongest friendship.

Friendship, itself a sacred bond, becomes more sacred with adversity.

There is nothing that makes the world as spacious as having friends at great distances.

Friendship is an act of faith in another person, not an act of renunciation.

Every friendship is desirable for its own sake.

Write your friend's faults in the sand.

Friendship is, above all, certainty.

There is true friendship, where there are two bodies and one will.

Pure friendship knows of pleasures that mediocre souls can never enjoy.

Let's behave with friends as we would like them to behave with us.

Is there anything sweeter than having someone you can talk about all your things with, as if it were with yourself?

Friendship is a soul that lives in two bodies, a heart that lives in two souls.

Friendship is the true fortune that someone can have.

Do not look for a friend to kill the hours, but look for him with hours to live.

Laughter is not a bad start to friendship. And it's far from a bad ending.

There is nothing in the world more noble and rare than a true friendship.

You cannot establish true friendship, healthy and enriching, if you do not first own yourself.

True friendship is a disinterested exchange of attention between equals.

Only through friendship can we have the illusion, for a moment, that we are not alone.

Each virtue only needs one person; but friendship needs two.

Friendship doubles the joys and divides the anguish in half.

The perfect friendship is that of the good and those who are similar by virtue. They wish each other well in the same way.

The road to a friend's house is never long.

Sweet thing is a true friend; dives into the depths of our hearts inquiring about our needs.

When friendship leads to unhappiness:

True or feigned friendship, time examines it.

From a friendship with envy, only envy will remain.

It's easy to dodge the spear, but not the hidden dagger.

For most friendship is based on humiliation.

Do not confuse the friendship that others supposedly offer you, it can be opportunism.

Shame on the cowardly soul, lacking the courage to be a firm friend or an outspoken enemy.

How similar flattery is to friendship!

The worst enemies are those who approve of everything.

By the sayings of some liars, do not break your friendship with helpful people.

Excess in friendship often leads to overconfidence.

Friendships are short-lived when one friend feels superior to the other.

There are no snares so carefully hidden as those that are covered up under the pretext of friendship.

The lack of friends hurts, but if you are not worried about having the necessary qualities to get and keep them.

Everybody's friend is not a friend.

Those who call themselves friends often become thieves of our time.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©