

The ability to express one's feelings is a fundamental social skill. As Charles Darwin observed, from birth we are prepared to communicate through some gestures such as laughter, crying, estrangement. Express: express with words, looks or gestures what you want to imply. How we express ourselves defines our personality. In psychology, the term "personality" is defined as an organization of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors that determine a person's behavior patterns. Both the biological basis (temperament) and environmental influences (character) are involved in the formation of personality.

In the Mandala of Emotions the express complement is imitate. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When expressing leads to well-being:

The art of living consists of conserving our personality without being bothered by society.

No matter who you are, what you've done, where you come from, you can always make a change by being a better version of yourself.

The first impression is what counts.

It is our choices that show who we are.

Personality tells us what a person will do when they find themselves in a given situation.

Life cannot be endured in any other way than knowing that we settle for what we mean to ourselves and to the world.

Words are weak when eyes and gestures are expressed.

No one observes more keenly than someone who wants to be loved. There are times when wishes show us who we are.

The nuance is what in the end constitutes your own personality... the singular, that which is only yours and in which you do not repeat yourself or share with anyone.

I need the little details, they are the reflection of each one of us. It's what I miss constantly. That is why no one can be replaced, because we are all made of small and precious details.

When who you appear to be is who you really are, that's when you're truly free.

How we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.

We build ourselves from our history.

Having an enemy is important not only to define our identity, but also to provide us with an obstacle against which to measure our value system and show, in facing it, our worth.

Friends develop in us our potential virtues.

When expressing leads to discomfort:

Each person contains several people inside, and most of us jump from one to another without ever knowing who we are.

Do not deny any memory of your past. What you lived is expressed in how you are.

By not communicating you are already communicating.

Greedy: having or showing excessive desire for goods or wealth.

Avaricious: Who yearns to possess many riches for the sole pleasure of hoarding them without sharing them with anyone.

Don't let other people decide who you are.

There's nothing wrong with being afraid, but don't let that change who you are.

From a defensive or hostile attitude it is very difficult to communicate: you have to let go of fears and adopt an open approach to dialogue.

Wasting time dreaming about the person you want to be is wasting the person you are.

You're in the doldrums because of love.

The human being seems to have more character when he follows his temperament than when he follows his principles.

Strength of personality is often nothing more than weakness of feeling.

You have to learn to express disagreements.

Our personality is influenced by what we believe in, even without realizing it.

Sometimes words can be dangerous, they get ahead of us and say more than we originally intended to express.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©