

When you dedicate yourself entirely to something, you give yourself. Fervent surrender is the foundation of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the exaltation and fiery spirit, excited by something that admires or captivates it. It is also the fervent adherence that moves to favor a cause or effort.

In the mandala of emotions, delivery or enthusiasm belongs to the family of passions. Delivery and possession are two sisters with antagonistic paths in terms of enthusiasm. In delivery the subject turns to the object. In possession, the object turns towards the subject. When the heat of enthusiasm is overcome it transforms into its counterpart, selfishness. One gives it all, the other wants it all.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Delivery when it is balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

When delivery is excessive:

There is a kind of melancholy that accompanies the enthusiasm.

It is healthier to expect nothing and do what you can, than to get excited and do nothing.

The disappointment walks smiling behind the enthusiasm.

Prevent prudent reflection the vulgarity of impetus.

When delivery is deficient:

No art or learning can be cultivated without enthusiasm.

Being incapable of enthusiasm is a sign of mediocrity.

Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and without it truth cannot win.

Enthusiasm accompanies optimistic beliefs; superstition, pessimists.

We act as if luxury and comfort are the most important things in life, when all we need to be truly happy is something to be excited about.

To those who move with dedication, atonements and punishments become just.

When delivery is balanced:

Enthusiasm is deeply rooted in the ability to choose.

Happy the one in whose heart the flame of enthusiasm nests.

Life deserves to be lived with all enthusiasm and joy. It is the most precious gift we have.

Reasonable enthusiasm is the heritage of great poets.

That indefinable beauty that results from joy, from enthusiasm.

No great undertaking was ever undertaken without enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is the quality that sparks performance.

Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.

It is necessary to rise with the wings of enthusiasm.

Strong souls are those that get drunk without having drunk.

Enthusiasm is an unearthly serenity.

If you have to give a gift, let it be enthusiasm.

Being with someone who is excited about the world.

The blows of life cannot break a person whose spirit is forged by the fires of enthusiasm.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©