

Anyone who dares to take risks without considering the consequences is a bold person. Audacity is the daring or fearlessness. The term can refer to doing something risky, daring or reckless.

In the mandala of emotions, audacity belongs to the family of passions. Boldness and pride are two brothers with antagonistic paths; boldness follows achievement, pride rises after achievement. The flip side of boldness is fear. In this case, the fear is caused by an overexcited audacity that causes weakness.

Emotions are in balance or not. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion. Boldness when balanced leads to success, but when it is excessive or deficient, it leads to failure.

Phrases that show different aspects of boldness when it is inappropriate:

The permanent risk of life lies in confusing dreams with reality.

Ignorance is the mother of daring.

The risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.

Sometimes we make too bold decisions and often act without thinking about the consequences.

As we chase the uncertain, we lose the sure.

The reckless most of the time are a mixture of audacity and cowardice, extremely ardent when there is nothing to fear, and when a real danger presents itself they do not know how to bear it.

Love is a beautiful flower, but you have to have the courage to go and pick it up on the edge of a precipice.

Better to step boldly into the other world at the height of a passion than to wither fatally consumed by life.

The permanent risk of life lies in confusing opinions with reality.

Who wanting to conquer the world gets to work to achieve it; In my opinion, it won't.

Whoever does not risk, does not win.

A pleasure without risks pleases us less.

The bold become rich, if they don't perish along the way.

You can't swim to new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of the shoreline.

Those with a daring character don't go far.

Boredom comes from not learning and not taking risks.

The most dangerous thing in life is risking everything to get nothing.

A ship is safe in port, but that's not what ships are for.

It is better to lose a minute in life, than life in a minute.

Phrases that help balance boldness:

We must not forget the risks experienced

Only those who dare to leave much can achieve much.

Sometimes you have to take risks for what you want.

In life you necessarily have to take certain risks.

Fortune and chance favor the bold heart.

Fortune is on the side of those who dare.

In fearlessness dwells glory.

Without risk nothing great and memorable is done.

Put an ounce of boldness into everything you do.

Any worthwhile goal involves an element of risk.

In boldness there is genius, strength and magic.

For people of courage, companies have been made.

Without risk nothing great and memorable is done.

Every risk is worth taking as long as it is for a good cause and contributes to a good life

There are times when audacity is prudence.

Discreet risk taking is the most laudable quality of human prudence.

You must be willing to risk everything to express everything.

The adventure may be crazy, but the adventurer must be sane.

The good event excuses the recklessness

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©