

The ability to perceive beauty in objects gives us the feeling of beauty. Beauty is not of things, but is in our way of looking at them, so, find beautiful everything you can.

Beauty and glory are two closely related sisters. Honor consists in making beautiful what one has to do. One is morally beautiful when practice beautiful actions exclusively because they are beautiful, that is, the acts that virtue inspires.

In the Mandala of Emotions beauty belongs to the family of virtues.

The good exercise of virtue leads us to happiness, the bad exercise of virtue to the loss of happiness. This depends on the mode, the occasion and the duration of the emotion.

When beauty leads to happiness:

Beauty is as useful as useful. Maybe more.

There are beauties that are obvious and others that are written in hieroglyphics.

Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it.

Beauty in its manifestation excites the sensitive soul to tears.

Desire engenders through beauty. Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.

Adorn your free will, uproot vile opinions.

I beheld beauty so much, that my sight belongs to it.

Absolutely pleasant things are also beautiful.

There is no one who is so barbaric or so rude that is not hurt by the sweetness of beauty.

Grace, even more beautiful than beauty.

Beauty speaks like an oracle, and man has always worshiped her.

If there is something that gives value to this life, it is the contemplation of beauty.

The spectacle of beauty, in whatever form it is presented, raises the mind to noble aspirations.

There is no beauty and honesty in other goods than in those that, being already desirable in themselves, are also worthy of esteem and praise.

The beautiful is that which is intelligible without reflection.

Beauty is defined as the sensible manifestation of the idea.

Beauty is the agreement between content and form.

Unknowingly, we compose our lives according to the laws of beauty.

Genuine beauty is always quite awe inspiring.

The person who possesses moral beauty is fair and fairness is in proportion to merit.

He whose smile beautifies him is good, he whose smile disfigures him is bad.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.

When beauty leads to unhappiness:

Sometimes beauty is just a pose, form without content.

Those who do not carry beauty within their soul will not find it anywhere.

Those who suffer from attachment to beauty will not have a minute of rest.

A weak beauty is but the promise of bliss.

Do not delude yourself with your wealth and your beauty; you can lose them: that one in one night; this one, in a fever.

Nothing is more contrary to the beautiful than the disgusting.

In general, people love bodily beauty more than virtue.

Not because you pluck its leaves from a flower, you will take its beauty.

When everyone on earth recognizes beauty as beauty, that is how ugliness is constituted.

Vanity disfigures natural beauty.

May the mirror in which you look at yourself be broken, your beauty filled with pride!

The less grace there is in the soul, the more ornament there should be in the body.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©