

By nature one needs to understand what surrounds him. One of the innate capacities we have to achieve this is admiration. In this regard, Aristotle pointed out: the beginning of all knowledge is admiration for the fact that things are what they are Out of admiration one has begun to philosophize, now as before; at first in awe of the most common things, then of far-reaching matters.

In the Mandala of Emotions the complement of admiration is curiosity. In the soul, well-being and discomfort are related to the sensations of the body.

When admiration leads to well-being:

Nothing is more worthy of admiration than knowing how to accept and imitate the virtues of others.

Admiration ceases where knowledge begins.

Surprise is the shortest emotion, because we have to be surprised until we know what we are surprised about.

Distance is a great promoter of admiration.

Anyone who follows the road less traveled is admirable.

Sudden joys, like sorrows, are disconcerting at first.

When an experience is so powerful that it motivates us to change our life patterns, we call it a revelation.

It is ignorance about things that creates our admiration and excites our passions.

Nothing inspires more awe and awe than someone who can change your mind.

They really like deferred reveals. It takes several hours to understand the truth of a sensation.

The simplest things are the most complicated, as much as it amazes us.

It is very pleasant to earn the admiration of others, but the feeling of admiring oneself is much better.

The marvelous begins to be unequivocally marvelous when it arises from an unexpected alteration of reality.

The gift of admiration is essential if you want to achieve something.

Very typical of the artist is this feeling of admiring oneself, since art has no other origin than this. Art must take reality by surprise.

Irregularity, that is, the unexpected, surprise or stupor are essential and characteristic elements of beauty.

A leader is someone we can admire without excuses.

Each day hides a new revelation or a new discovery that can be obtained from intuition.

try to become what you admire, and you will be paid with originality.

You have to see the world with awe to live fully.

Peace is the joy of good, the wonder of the wise, the wonder of the gods.

I'm always amazed at myself. It is the only thing that makes life worth living.

Surprise is the motive for every discovery.

The best friendships, the longest, are based on admiration.

Amazement: the highest that the human being can reach.

When I diluted myself I had the revelation that this void is filled with everything that the universe contains.

When admiration leads to discomfort:

What shows fright: frightened face: Sudden manifestation caused by surprise or fear.

Admiration can be so strong that it discourages us.

Idolize: To excessively love a person or thing.

Those who play with fire can get burned, but they always get a huge surprise when it happens.

As long as violence is considered evil, it will retain its fascination. When it is considered vulgar, its popularity will cease.

How is it possible that someone considers as a revelation what is nothing more than their own opinion on things?

Worship is admiration becoming adoration.

How many extravagant things has made the desire to say new things say.

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you're wonderful.

The more narcissistic you are, the greater your need to gain admiration from others.

Idols should not be touched: the gold remains in the hands.

The constant surprise is not surprising.

I wasn't too surprised; I had lost the ability to surprise myself. The wonders of the world are never few, what is always lacking is the ability to feel and admire.

You almost always follow the path opened by others by imitating the actions of others.

Value generates envy in petty minds, and emulation in great souls.

The one who imitates the bad always surpasses the one who serves as an example. If you want to uproot your vices, stay away from those who give you bad examples.

Mediocrity can be defined as an absence of personal characteristics that allow distinguishing the individual in his society.

The sentences of this article are distributed throughout the Oracle of the Soul.

Author: Adrian Casasnovas ©